Monthly Archives: June 2010


McChrystal says US ambassador ‘betrayed’ him with criticism of Afghan war strategy


Ten Taliban fighters and three Frontier Corps troops were killed during a clash in Arakzai. The Taliban killed two Levies recruits in Dir. Police arrested a Taliban commander in Karachi.

Half of al Qaeda has been ‘eliminated’?

Osama bin Laden escorted by the Black Guard. Click image to view. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel seems eager to fall into the same trap as the Bush administration did in its first term with respect to the campaign against al Qaeda. This is what Emanuel said yesterday on ABC News‘ ‘This Week’ […]

Saudi Gitmo recidivists

Uthman-Ghamdi-thumb.JPGAlthough the Saudi government has not identified the 25 terrorists released from Guantanamo Bay who are known to have returned to jihad, 15 of them can be identified.

Hezbollah fighter killed in North Waziristan Predator strike?

I have not been able to confirm this report from the German Press Agency (DPA) of the death of a Hezbollah fighter in the June 19 airstrike in North Waziristan. The article also appeared on the official website of the Lebanese Forces political party (and not the Lebanese Armed Forces official website as originally stated): […]


Three Australian soldiers and one US soldier were killed in a helicopter crash in the south; two more ISAF soldiers were killed in Taliban attacks. The US military denied Taliban claims that the helicopter was shot down. A female suicide bomber wounded 19 people in an attack on a police checkpoint in Kunar province.


Moroccan authorities have dismantled a terror cell planning attacks in the country. The 11-member group was led by a Palestinian, who will appear in court in the capital, Rabat. The cell’s planned attacks and identify of it’s members remain unknown. The Interior ministry declared them Takfiri Jihadists.

United States

The Supreme Court upheld a law that bans the provision of material support to terrorist groups. Failed Times Square car bomber Faisal Shahzad is scheduled to be arraigned in court on terrorism charges and is expected to plead guilty to all 10 charges against him.

US shifts its rhetoric on Iran

Watch the latest news video at Over the Father’s Day weekend, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the course of the interview, Wallace brought up the new UN sanctions regimen on Iran: WALLACE: The U.N. Security Council […]


Insurgents ambushed and killed an ex-paramilitary ranger and his wife as they were driving home in Pattani™s Muang district. Their 2-year-old daughter was wounded in the attack. Insurgents severely wounded the headman of a village in Ra-ngae district in Narathiwat province.


Security forces killed three Islamist terrorists during operations over the weekend. Security forces targeted the Islamists in the Babors Mountains after receiving tips that indicated that terrorists were operating in the Petite Kabylie region, north of Setif.


Turkey – Court victory may be too late for persecuted Church


Two IAEA nuclear inspectors were barred from entering Iran. US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship.


Iraq – Ayad Allawi: ‘I won the election, now they™re trying to assassinate me™


US eager to replicate Afghan villagers’ successful revolt against Taliban


Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Arakzai; a Taliban commander and three fighters were killed in a premature detonation in the tribal agency. US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke said Pakistan does not have the capacity to conduct an operation against the Taliban in North Waziristan.


Terrorists killed 26 Iraqis and wounded 53 more in a pair of car bombings outside of the Iraqi Investment Bank and the Citizenship Directorate in western Baghdad. Insurgents killed a civilian and a policeman in IED attacks in Baghdad and near Tikrit.


A minister claimed that Hizbul Islam is in negotiations with the government. Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said his forces conceded Beledweyne to avoid a confrontation with Shabaab. Soldiers stormed the presidential palace to protest not being paid.


Two soldiers and three “outlaws” were killed during an ambush that targeted a general in Dhale. Security forces detained the mastermind of the June 19 attack on a security headquarters in Aden that resulted in 11 people killed and several al Qaeda operatives freed.


Afghan forces killed 14 Taliban fighters and detained five more in Nuristan. Coalition and Afghan forces detained an undisclosed number of Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in Kandahar and Khost. The Taliban killed five civilians in attacks in Helmand and Nangarhar. Fourteen Taliban fighters laid down their weapons in Herat.