Monthly Archives: June 2010


Security forces killed 43 Taliban fighters in Arakzai, five in Swat, and four more in Dera Ismail Khan; 22 fighters surrendered in Bajaur. The Taliban offered a prisoner swap for 33 captive Frontier Corps troops and threatened local truckers that convoys transporting NATO goods would be attacked.

The Taliban

The UN will begin removing Taliban leaders from the sanctions list, according to Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Three Taliban suicide bombers attempted to assassinate US Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke in Marja, Afghanistan.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed two Awakening leaders in Buhriz in Diyala province. Insurgents killed five civilians in bombings in Mosul and Baghdad. Iraqi forces detained an al Qaeda operative west of Baghdad.


An Army officer and three civilians were killed in separate attacks in Amran Province. The leader of the Bakil tribe has called for his followers to oppose al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


Russia pushing for control of fuel supplies to crucial US airbase


Security forces killed a top leader of Lashkar-e-Taiba during a clash that also resulted in the death of a police officer in India-occupied Kahsmir. Abu Zubair was a commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba in Sopore and was behind attacks on security forces.


Ten people were killed and 20 more were wounded during clashes in Mogadishu between rivals Hizbul Islam and Shabaab. Hizbul Islam ordered men to grow beards and women to wear the veil. “Anyone who is caught defying the order will be punished,” the group said in a statement played on several radio stations.


General McChrystal has been recalled to Washington after he and his staff made disrespectful remarks about the Obama administration. Security forces killed 31 Haqqani Network fighters in Paktika and detained a Taliban commander and several fighters in Baghlan and Helmand. The Taliban killed 11 Afghans, including a provincial health director, in attacks in Herat, Ghor, […]


Iranian police issue ‘badly veiled’ warnings to 62,000 women

General McChrystal on the rocks for bashing Obama administration

General Stanley McChrystal, the top general in Afghanistan, is in hot water with the White House after he and his staff bashed the president, vice president, and top advisers in a profile written by Rolling Stone magazine. He has been summoned to the White House to meet with President Barack Obama, and his days may […]


Tehran issued a warning to the IAEA. Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani ignored US warnings and agreed to a deal to import natural gas from Iran. Turkey will continue with a nuclear fuel-swap deal despite a new sanctions regimen on Iran.

Taliban commander detained in Karachi

Asmatullah Mehsud was a commander in Karachi who was involved with the October 2007 attempted assassination of Benazir Bhutto. His brother runs a training camp in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan conflicted over targeting rising extremists in its heartland