Monthly Archives: June 2010


Indonesian authorities have arrested Abdullah Sunata, the most-wanted leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, and two of his aides during a raid on his hideout in central Java. He was responsible for the formation of the terror cell in Aceh province has been largely dismantled, and served as a key link to the Abu Sayyaf Group. The […]


Iran – Hiker moms: Shocked by report on children’s arrest


Tehran took steps to prepare for fuel sanctions from the West. Brazil told Iran that it must address Western concerns over the proposed fuel-swap deal. UAE trade authorities shut down 40 local companies for doing business with Tehran.


Security forces killed 24 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and detained five Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber; a Frontier Corps trooper was also killed in fighting in Arakzai. The Taliban is openly raising money in Punjab. A German suspected of belonging to al Qaeda has been detained in Bannu.

US Military

President Obama replaced ISAF commander General McChrystal with CENTCOM commander General David Petraeus. General McChrystal was relieved of command after an article with unflattering comments about the Obama administration was published. A new CENTCOM commander has not yet been named.


Abu Sayyaf fighters killed four people and wounded two others in an ambush in the province of Basilan. Fighting between Moro rebels and the Philippine military has left four soldiers wounded and two Moro National Liberation Front rebels killed in the province of Sulu. Soldiers were attacked by MNLF and Abu Sayyaf Group fighters while […]

McChrystal out as Afghanistan commander following critical remarks


Kashmiri terrorists killed an Indian Army colonel during a military operation in the forested Lolab area in Kashmir. The colonel is the most senior officer killed in Kashmir this year.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq claimed the June 20 double suicide attack on the Trade Bank of Iraq in Baghdad that killed 26 Iraqis. The terror group called the bank a “stronghold of evil.”


Coalition and Afghan forces killed two Haqqani Network and Taliban commanders and an undisclosed number of al Qaeda fighters in Paktia, and eight Taliban fighters in Kunduz; and detained a Taliban commander and several fighters in Helmand and Zabul. The Taliban killed four ISAF soldiers, including a British Marine, in southern and western Afghanistan.


Tehran scientists announced that they produced another 17 kg of uranium to 20 percent enrichment. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said negotiations for a fuel swap with Iran are still on the table. Pakistan’s parliament stressed the importance of the pipeline deal with Iran.