Monthly Archives: June 2010

IAEA releases update on Iran’s nuclear program

Over the Memorial Day weekend, the United Nations’ IAEA Board of Governors released an update on their monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program. David Albright and his colleagues at the Institute for Science and International Security have some great analysis of the report here. Below is an abridged version of the IAEA’s conclusions [emphasis mine]: 37. […]


US experts said President Obama should consider Iran’s proposed fuel-swap deal as a diplomatic opportunity. Iran’s central bank sold 45 billion in euros in favor of gold and US dollars. Tehran denied US accusations that Iran is training and arming Taliban forces to fight in Afghanistan.


Egypt – Arabic Web addresses expected to draw millions of new users to Internet


The Pakistani Army declared the military operation in Arakzai has ended successfully. Security forces killed 20 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and detained 43 more in Kohat. The Taliban bombed a school in Mohmand and targeted a NATO fuel tanker in Kalat.

Pakistan – Al-Qaeda loses major ‘link’ after leader’s death


Iraq’s Supreme Court validated the final vote for the new parliament. Security forces detained nine wanted men in Basrah, three al Qaeda operatives in Wasit and two more in Baghdad. Insurgents killed a woman in western Mosul.


Hizbul Islam denied it withdrew its forces from Beledweyne, a strategic town in central Somalia. Shabelle Radio secretly moved its headquarters from the Shabaab-controlled Bakara market in Mogadishu to an area near the airport under government control.


Afghan commandos retook control of the Barg-e-Matal district in Nuristan from the Taliban. Coalition and Afghan forces captured “several” Haqqani network commanders and fighters and a Taliban sub-commander in Khost and Zabul, and killed “several” Taliban fighters in Farah. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in the south.

United States

A Somali terror suspect, whom authorities believe was trying to enter the US via Mexico, was removed from a diverted flight headed for Mexico. Abdirahman Ali Gaall was detained in Montreal, Canada and is due to face an immigration court on Wednesday. Gaall was the subject of a terror warning and is on the no-fly […]


Insurgents in Kandahar’s undergrowth drag Nato forces into ‘green hell’


Tehran ramped up security on the eve of the June 12 election anniversary. A new IAEA report said Iran is continuing to hide details about its enrichment activities. France urged the rapid adoption of new Iran sanctions. China called for Iran to improve its relations with the IAEA. Khamenei called for Netanyahu to face trial […]


Foreign Minister Qirbi said an investigation as to whether US Predators were used in an airstrike in Yemen has been opened. Prime Minister Mujawar said the country would not allow the targeted killing of radical al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki.


Two Jemaah Islamyah activists have been sentenced to a combined 17 years for aiding and abetting two terrorists linked to the Marriott and Ritz Carlton bombings in Kuningan, Jakarta. One of the defendants, Aris Susanto, harbored two Jemaah Islamiyah terrorists in his relative’s home in central Java before the other defendant transported them to Jakarta.

Was Mustafa Abu Yazid al Qaeda’s #3?

Image courtesy of Rantburg. As reports of the death of al Qaeda leader Mustafa Abu Yazid continue to break, US administration and intelligence officials, and the media, are eager to declare that he was al Qaeda’s third in command. But do you remember back on Dec. 12, 2009, when Abu Yahya al Libi was reported […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

A senior leader in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has surrendered to authorities. Atmane Touti, alias Abu El Abbas, was a co-founder of the GSPC, an aide to Droukdel, and the commander of Zone 2 prior to becoming the legal chief for the organization. He surrendered after his wife “convinced” him to give up […]