Monthly Archives: June 2010


Security forces detained an Australian woman and two Bengali women who are suspected of having ties to al Qaeda. British, French, and American citizens are also said to be in custody. The government gave the Shabwani tribe 200 AK-47s and cash after the death of the province’s deputy governor during an airstrike that targeted al […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The recent surrender of Abou El Abbas, a former member of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s Council of Notables and the chief of legislative affairs, has revealed that the group is ailing. Security sweeps, a failure to legitimize suicide bombings, and a lack of notable attacks have severely weakened morale. Additionally, AQIM has resorted […]

Saudi Arabia

Leading Saudi clerics called for jihad against Israel. “We have to strike at the heart of Israel to drive them out of Muslim territories in a way that breaks the Gaza embargo,” a joint statement by 70 religious leaders said. “Dialogue and negotiations only increases violence by the Jews.”


Flotilla raid: Turkish jihadis bent on violence attacked troops, Israel claims


China said new sanctions against Iran will not affect ordinary citizens. Tehran pardoned 81 election protesters from last June’s presidential election.


Gaza flotilla attack: Turkish activists killed in raid ‘wanted to be martyrs’


Man who caused grounding of transatlantic flight faces loss of US residency


Iranian authorities step up arrests of women for ‘immodest’ dress

Al Qaeda

Turkish charity that sent aid convoy to Gaza ‘has links to terrorism™


The military killed 12 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Local officials in Arakzai said half of the agency is still under Taliban control despite the military’s announcement that the operation was over. Two people were wounded in a Taliban attack on a NATO fuel tanker in Sibi.


Security forces detained 10 al Qaeda fighters in Saadiya and four more near Tikrit, and three Syrian members of the Baathist-linked Naqshabandiya in Ninewa. A body of a kidnapped soldier was found in Mosul.


Twenty-five people were killed during clashes in and around Dhusamareb between Shabaab and the pro-government Ahlu Sunna Waljama™a. The crew of a Libyan cargo ship overpowered pirates to retake control.


An attempted Taliban attack on the national peace jirga was defeated by Afghan security forces; two suicide bombers were killed and one was captured. Coalition and Afghan forces captured the Taliban’s shadow governor of Baghlan; one Taliban fighter was killed during the raid. The Taliban killed a British Royal Marine in Helmand.


The US suspended flights by KC-135 refueling aircraft at the base in Manas after the new government pressed to re-negotiate the fuel contract. The Kyrgyzstan government wants to raise the cost of fuel. Other US aircraft are flying from Manas.


Alexander Bortnikov, the chief of Russia’s Federal Security Service said that “terrorists are continuing to attempt to get access to nuclear materials (and) biological and chemical components.” Bortnikov did not elaborate on which groups sought access to WMD materials.

Taliban attempt to justify violence against Afghan peace jirga

There are reports of attacks on the consultative jirga being held in Afghanistan starting today (more on that in initial reports from AFP, AP, Reuters, Canada’s CanWest news service, Germany’s DPA wire service and the BBC). There have also been recent media reports of targeted assassinations of pro-jirga elders. In the Taliban’s latest statement (on […]