Monthly Archives: June 2010

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula disclosed the identity of a top female operative detained in Saudi Arabia in February. Haylah al Qassir served as a top financier of AQAP and also sheltered fighters. Her first husband is in Saudi custody and her second died fighting Saudi security forces.


The government officially labeled the Indian Mujahideen a terrorist entity. The Indian Mujahideen is thought to be a front group for activities of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Students’ Islamic Movement of India, and the Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh, and is supported by Pakistan’s intelligence services.

World military spending soars in spite of recession


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Iranian opposition is “trampling on the Islamic Revolution.” Tehran called on the world to stop Israeli war atrocities. The Iranian Air Force will conduct an air show in coming weeks.


The founder and leader of the now disbanded Free Aceh Movement (GAM) has died of complications from respiratory and heart problems. Hasan Muhammad di Tiro was 84. He led GAM’s independence bid for Aceh for 25 years in exile from Sweden before the 2004 tsnunami forced an autonomy settlement.


A male school teacher was shot to death while riding home with five other teachers on their motorbikes. The teacher was killed in Pattani’s Khok Pho district. No other teachers were harmed. Insurgents are blamed for the killing.

United States

Federal Prosecutors said Barry Walter Bujol was communicating with radical al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki and plotted to provide support to terror groups in Yemen. Bujol was detained by the FBI as he attempted to travel to the Middle East with items that would aid al Qaeda.

Pakistan balks at taking on the Punjabi Taliban

Despite the numerous, heinous terror attacks carried out in Pakistan’s major cities, the Pakistani government is hesitant to take on the myriad of home-grown and supported terror groups known as the Punjabi Taliban. Yesterday, Rehman Malik, Pakistan’s Minister of the Interior, stated that “no military operation is planned against banned outfits in Punjab, rather effective […]


An al Qaeda operative and a Taliban commander were killed in the May 28 Predator strike in South Waziristan. Police killed a Jashkar-e-Jhangvi fighter and detained three more during a bank robbery in Karachi. An Anti-Terrorism Court acquitted four terrorist suspects. Clerics denied that terrorist groups are based in Punjab.


Security forces detained seven Syrian terrorists and two members of an IED cell in Mosul, five wanted men in Basrah, and a tribal leader working for al Qaeda in Buhriz. Two Iraqis were killed in a bombing at a liquor store in Sinjar.

Airline sorry for Bin Laden boarding pass image


Somali and African Union forces attacked Shabaab and Hizbul Islam strongholds in the capital of Mogadishu; 16 people were killed and 30 more were wounded in the fighting. Puntland forces freed a cargo ship and its crew hijacked by pirates.


Afghan security forces killed five Taliban fighters and detained nine more, including a commander, in Wardak, and killed five more fighters in Zabul. The Taliban killed eight civilians in Helmand and an ISAF soldier in the south.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Said al Shihri, the deputy leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, called for followers to kidnap Christians and members of the Saudi royal family. Shihri is a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay.