Monthly Archives: June 2010


Pakistan – Investigations reveal security loopholes in Jinnah Hospital attack


Security forces killed four al Qaeda fighters and captured three more in northern Iraq, and detained seven wanted men in Diyala. Gunmen assassinated another member of the Iraqiya political party and killed two civilians in a bombing at a hospital in Al Qaim.

United States

A US court sentenced Anthony Joseph Tracy to time served in prison, or four months, for aiding 270 Somalis, possibly including Shabaab members, to illegally enter the US through Cuba. Tracy is suspected of helping the government find those who entered the US; his guilty plea has been sealed by the court, however.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed a colonel and a soldier in an ambush of a military convoy in Marib. Ghalib Al-Zayedi, a wanted al Qaeda operative, surrendered to authorities in Marib.


Kuwait – New labor laws grant women the right – and the flexibility – to work late


Abu Sayyaf fighters murdered three hostages after the families were unable to pay the ransoms. Police recovered the bodies of the rubber plantation workers in the town of Sukaten village on Basilan island. Norway has joined the international monitoring team observing the ceasefire between the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the government.


The national jirga offered the Taliban a peace deal. The Taliban killed two British soldiers in Helmand and a policeman in Kandahar. Coalition and Afghan forces detained a Haqqani Network facilitator and several Taliban and Haqqani fighters during raids in Khost and Farah.


Russia and Germany both support sanctions against Iran. “We hope the voice of the international community will be heard by the Iranian leadership,” Russian President Medvedev said. The Non-Aligned Movement unanimously supported Iran’s nuclear program. Iranian troops crossed the Iraqi border in pursuit of Kurdish separatists.


The Wazir tribe said it would expel the Mehsuds from the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan from their tribal regions in South Waziristan. The Taliban beheaded a 70-year-old Afghan man for “spying” and executed another tribesman in North Waziristan. Police detained two Taliban fighters in Nowshera.


Russia builds listening post sparking fears of Georgia strike


Iranian leaders accuse dissidents of betraying Islamic revolution


Security forces detained 12 al Qaeda fighters in Baqubah and four more in northern Iraq, and a Mahdi Army fighter in Baghdad. Insurgents killed two soldiers in Amarah, an Awakening fighter in Diyala, and two civilians in Mosul.


Fighting between Shabaab and government forces in Mogadishu killed 23 people, most of whom are civilians. US intelligence officials said more than 200 foreign fighters are in Somalia.


Taliban prisoners ‘would be released to kickstart Aghan peace process’


Afghan and Coalition forces killed a top Taliban commander and several of his bodyguards in Kandahar, and three fighters in Helmand, and detained a Taliban sub-commander and a fighter in Logar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the South.