Monthly Archives: June 2010


US intelligence analyst arrested in Wikileaks video probe


Israeli troops kill four Palestinian divers on boat off Gaza


Tehran offered an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps escort for a Red Crescent flotilla headed to Gaza Strip. The IAEA called Iran a “special case” because of their suspected military nuclear enrichment. Tehran begins construction on a natural gas pipeline to Europe.

Vatican says world ignores Christians in Mideast


Security forces killed 44 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Twenty-one people have been killed in fighting between the Lashkar-e-Islam and the Taliban in Khyber. Bajaur tribal elders vowed to support the government against the Taliban.


A suicide bomber killed four Iraqi policemen in Baghdad; another policeman was killed in an IED attack in Baghdad. An Iraqi soldier was killed in a shooting in Mosul. Three terrorists were killed west of Mosul. Four Jordanians were among five al Qaeda fighters killed yesterday in Mosul.


The pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a claimed 90 Shabaab fighters were killed during recent clashes in Mogadishu’s Bakara market. Ten Shabaab fighters were killed in a vehicle accident in the Bay region. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a shut down telecommunications in Dhusamareb as part of a “military tactic.”


France: Iran nuclear programme source of ‘concern™

United States

The FBI arrested two New Jersey Muslims who were attempting to travel to Egypt to link up with Shabaab in Somalia. Mohamed Haoud Alessa and Carlos Eduardo Almonte were detained while boarding flights at Kennedy International. Both men have been under observation by the FBI since 2006.


The interior minister and the intelligence chief resigned after a Taliban attack on the national peace jirga. An al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander and several of his bodyguards were killed in Farah province. The Taliban killed six Afghans and two British soldiers in attacks in Kunduz, Kandahar, and Helmand; three ISAF soldiers died in a vehicle […]


The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said its forces are prepared to escort ships seeking to violate the blockade off the coast of Gaza. Iran is reportedly smuggling advanced equipment to aid in the development of the nuclear site at Natanz. The chief of the central bank denied reports Iran is dumping the euro.


Security forces killed 25 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Arakzai. Eight people were killed in Khyber during clashes between the Lashkar-e-Islam and the Taliban. Twenty-five Taliban fighters surrendered in Bajaur.