Monthly Archives: June 2010


Afghan troops killed 23 Taliban fighters and detained seven more in Badghis, and killed 14 more in Kandahar. The Taliban killed two Australian soldiers in Uruzgan and a British soldier in Helmand. Sixteen girls suffered from poisoning at a school.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb beheaded a 70-year-old man who was a former member of a government-sanctioned rural militia. The former CIA station chief pled guilty to drug use and abusive sexual contact while serving in Algiers.


Foreign fighters gain influence in Somalia’s Islamist al-Shabab militia

Iraqi parliament to sit June 14, still no government


The US made its case for new sanctions against Iran just days ahead of the UN Security Council vote. Israeli forces said they will deny access to Iranian ships headed to Gaza. Iran opened the world’s first women-only bank branch.


Karzai™s increasing isolation worries both Afghans and the West

Pak pol pushes Predator strikes in Punjab

Buried in an article on a strange invitation by the al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Taiba front group Jamaat-ud-Dawa to politicians to tour its headquarters at Muridke, is this rare endorsement from a Pakistani politician who wants the US to expand the Predator strike program into Punjab province. From The News: A leader of the Pakistan People’s Party […]


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Twelve Afghans with bullet wounds were detained in Lahore. The foreign minister claimed that many of the Taliban’s top leaders have fled the country.


Security forces detained an al Qaeda leader and two aides in Mosul, two al Qaeda fighters in Khanaqin and nine more in eastern Diyala, and killed three insurgents in Abu Ghraib. Insurgents killed a muezzin in Baghdad, and bombed the homes of policemen in Anbar.


Two Ugandan soldiers were killed last week during fighting in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam warned of “air raids” by foreign governments. The pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a denied cutting off communications in Dusomareb.


Amnesty International published photographs showing US cruise missile components used in the Dec. 17, 2009, airstrike in Abyan. Wanted al Qaeda leader Hamza Ali Saleh al Dhayani surrendered to the government. The interior minister said the US does not have military bases in Yemen.


Afghan police killed three suicide bombers who attempted to storm a training compound in Kandahar. The Taliban killed 10 ISAF soldiers in southern and eastern Afghanistan and four civilians in Helmand.


Two rubber farm workers were killed and one wounded after Abu Sayyaf gunmen attacked them in their mountain village near Sumisip in Basilan province. It is a suspected revenge attack on the community after three Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed by elite army Scout Rangers in Sumisip on Friday.