Monthly Archives: June 2010


Shabaab killed seven Somali soldiers in a bombing in Mogadishu. Deputy Shabaab leader Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Ali Abu Mansoor was reportedly wounded during fighting in the capital. Shabaab issued a fatwa against Universal TV for displaying a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed.


Police detained 17 al Qaeda suspects during raids in four provinces. A bombing that targeted police in Istanbul wounded 15 people. A journalist was sentenced to 15 months in prison for reporting on the PKK’s propaganda.


The Taliban shot down a helicopter in Helmand, killing four US soldiers; killed a British soldier; and executed an Afghan child for “spying” in Helmand. Afghan and Coalition forces killed 19 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in Paktika and detained an IED commander and several Taliban fighters in Kandahar.


Interview with Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar: Can peace talks succeed?


A resilient Iran shields itself from pressure by building alliances


The UN Security Council passed new Iran sanctions today. Iran aired conflicting video messages from an Iranian scientist who defected to the United States. Tehran denied chasing Kurdish rebels into Iraqi territory.

US special envoy snubbed by Pakistan

United States Special Envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke has long been sidelined by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and now it appears the Pakistanis no longer wish to deal with him as well. A June 9 visit to Islamabad by Holbrooke has been canceled “after he was informed that no important officials would be […]


UK – Officers™ mess: military chiefs blamed for blundering into Helmand with ‘eyes shut and fingers crossed™


The Taliban killed six Frontier Corps troops in Arakzai; 30 Taliban fighters were killed in the counterattack. The Taliban killed five people and destroyed more than 30 fuel tankers and cargo trucks in the suburbs of Islamabad, and executed a man in North Waziristan.


Security forces detained 24 wanted men in Basrah and one more in Wasit, and seven insurgents in Karma. Insurgents killed a policeman in Baghdad. More than 200 Iraiqs burnt down the homes of men suspected in a recent bombing in Khalis.


US and Somali intelligence officials claim that between 300-1200 foreign fighters have become part of Shabaab. The group’s leaders are foreign and it receives support and direction from al Qaeda central in Pakistan.

Tehran’s maritime shell corporations

The IRSIL Mufateh. The New York Times ran a front page story yesterday about the effectiveness of the Revolutionary Guard’s shell corporations created for the state-owned Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRSIL). The article explains that 73 of the 123 known IRSIL vessels are owned and operated by foreign companies not listed the on […]


Yemen has detained 50 foreign students, including 12 Americans, who are thought to be linked to al Qaeda in Yemen. An Australian woman detained for suspected links to al Qaeda is being deported along with her two children. The government is prosecuting three al Qaeda suspects detained in Hadramout.