Monthly Archives: June 2010

United States

A federal court sentenced Syed Hashmi to 15 years in prison for attempting to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda. Hashmi, a naturalized American citizen originally from Pakistan, admitted he provided support for the terror group.


The US killed three terrorists in an airstrike in North Waziristan. The military killed 10 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Amnesty International said that more than 4 million Pakistanis live under the yoke of the Taliban, and that the Pakistani military has used brutal methods against civilians while fighting the terror group.


Insurgents killed an Awakening leader, an Iraqi Army officer, and two civilians in a bombing in Baghdad, and shot and killed a woman inside of her home in Kirkuk. Iraqi forces captured an al Qaeda leader involved in assassinations in Mosul.


Shabaab released a videotape of captive French security official Denis Allex, who was kidnapped in Mogadishu last summer. Shabaab demanded the release of several prisoners in exchange for Allex, but did not threaten to kill him.


India – Headley: ‘ISI guided LeT at every step for 26/11’


A suicide bomber killed 40 Afghans at a wedding party in Kandahar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces detained a Haqqani Network facilitator and an undisclosed number of fighters in Khost.


Yemen army clashes with tribesmen, hunts al Qaeda

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Footage taken off an Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb defector has given an inside look into the everyday lives of AQIM fighters. The video was not intended for release and is not dated. Mokhtar Belmokhtar can be seen in the black turban by the truck.


President Ahmadinejad dismissed newly passed sanctions against Iran as “annoying flies.” Russia froze a contract to deliver S-300 anti-aircraft system to Iran. Tehran threatened to “revise” ties with the IAEA.


A drive-by bomb attack in the town of Yala in Pattani province wounded 23 people, mostly Muslim worshippers, after the bomb exploded in front of a mosque. Insurgents were targeting a government pickup truck but missed. A married couple was seriously wounded in a shooting, and a vendor was stabbed to death by suspected insurgents […]

Video: Shabaab releases tape of French hostage

Shabaab has released a video of Denis Allex, one of two French security personnel kidnapped by the group from a hotel in Mogadishu last year. From Reuters: In the video, Allex repeats those demands and says the group will issue a list of names of prisoners it wants released. He says the defeat of President […]


HIV needles buried with bombs as Taliban uses ‘despicable’ tactics to fight British troops


The Taliban killed eight people and destroyed more than 30 NATO supply trucks in an attack on a depot just outside of Islamabad. Six Taliban fighters and two Frontier Corps troops were killed in clashes in Mohmand. Tribes in South Waziristan demanded an end to the US airstrikes in the tribal areas.


A suicide bomber killed two Iraqis in Diyala. Insurgents killed a policeman, three Awakening fighters, and a civilian in Mosul, Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Tikrit. Security forces detained 10 al Qaeda fighters and 12 wanted men in Diyala, a suicide bomber in Ninewa, and a ‘gunman’ in Mosul.