Monthly Archives: June 2010


Iran’s Revolutionary Guards cash in after a year of suppressing dissent

United Kingdom

UK – Defence chief Sir Jock Stirrup paid the price of the ‘chronic mismanagement’ of Afghanistan campaign

Pakistan backs Afghan Taliban

A report published yesterday by the London School of Economics documents Pakistan’s extensive links to the Afghan Taliban. You can download and read the full report here [PDF file]. The author, Matt Waldman, doesn’t claim that only certain elements of Pakistan’s notorious Inter-Services Intelligence directorate back the Afghan Taliban. Instead, Waldman goes further and states […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

In Mauritania, prison guards at a Nouakchott prison foiled the escape of 20 Salafist prisoners, including a recently convicted AQIM fighter. In Algeria, authorities clarified that they killed seven AQIM members, not four, in an ambush in Tizi-Ouzuo. And in Morocco, 38 al Qaeda-linked suspects on trial in the country have had their cases delayed […]


The government blamed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula for the bombing of an oil pipeline in Marib. One person was killed during fighting in Marib on June 11 during the hunt for Hassan al Aqily, an al Qaeda leader thought to have assassinated a general.


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Mohmand, 10 in Arakzai, and four more in Khyber; seven Taliban fighters died in an IED blast in Kurram. The Taliban attacked a NATO convoy in Mach in Baluchistan. Muslim leaders demanded that Punjab’s law minister resign due to links to terrorists.


Afghanistan – Life under the Taliban: how a boy of seven was hanged to punish his family


Security forces detained Khalid al Fahl, the interior minister for al Qaeda’s Islamist State of Iraq, in Fallujah, and an al Qaeda leader and an aide in Tikrit. Insurgents assassinated the police chief of Sharqat. Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki and former Premier Ayad Allawi met for the first time since the election in March.


In Mogadishu, 10 people were killed in fighting between soldiers and policemen over food distribution. Shabaab has taken control of Beledweyne. Islamists assassinated a judge in Puntland and attacked the home of a leader of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a.


The US will likely delay the Kandahar operation. The Taliban killed four construction workers in Paktika, three policemen in Kandahar, and two ISAF soldiers in southern and northern Afghanistan. Coalition and Afghan forces captured a Taliban sub-commander and a fighter in Ghazni. The UN is reviewing the Taliban blacklist.


Russia has halted the sale of the S-300 air defense missile system. Iran claimed it will break ground on a new nuclear facility in March 2011. Iran threatened reciprocal sanctions against Russia and China.


A notable member of Abu Sayyaf wanted by the government for 10 years was arrested in Sulu. Abu Sayyaf members have murdered three civilian loggers abducted from the town of Maluso in Basilan. The three lumberjacks were beheaded by the terrorist group.


Iran regime weakened: divisions exposed one year after disputed presidential election


The US killed 14 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in two airstrikes targeting Taliban compounds in North Waziristan. Security forces captured two Taliban leaders in Karachi.


Four Islamists sentenced to death for the murder of a USAID employee and his driver escaped from jail and engaged in a gunfight with police. The Islamists belong to a group called Ansar al Tawhid. One of the men convicted of the murder served as an officer in the Sudanese military.