Monthly Archives: June 2010


Security forces detained 18 terrorists in Diyala, seven wanted men in Ninewa, three al Qaeda fighters in Wasit, and two al Qaeda operatives north of Baghdad. Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in an IED attack in Mosul.

Al Qaeda

Osama Bin Laden reportedly released a new, 90-second-long audiotape where he threatened to retaliate against the US if Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was executed. “The day America takes this decision, it will have made a decision to execute whoever is taken captive by us,” he said.


Insurgents killed a defense volunteer in a drive-by shooting in Narathiwat province and an army corporal on patrol outside a school. Three civilians and two soldiers were injured when a bomb planted in a motorcycle exploded in a market in Thepha district in Songkla province.


The Taliban assassinated the district governor of Arghandab in Kandahar; and killed 10 civilians in Nangarhar, five policemen and five security contractors in Ghazni, two British soldiers in Helmand, and an ISAF soldier in eastern Afghanistan. Coalition and Afghan forces killed “several” Taliban fighters in Kapisa and detained three more in Logar and Kabul.


The police announced that 10 foreigners arrested over the past six months for attempting to recruit university students for the al Qaeda-linked, Indonesian-based terror group Jemaah Islamiyah have been deported. Between 20 to 30 students were monitored by police as they were approached by the extremist foreigners about joining the terror network.


Three Algerian soldiers were killed in an ambush in a forest in Yakouren. The army patrol was attacked in Tizi-Ouzou province, a known stronghold for terrorist groups such as al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The Islamist ambush comes days after an army barracks was destroyed by an AQIM suicide bomber in Boumerdes province.


Gaza crossing points opened as Israel bows to international pressure


One year later, China’s crackdown after Uighur riots haunts a homeland


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and detained seven more in Bajaur. The Taliban killed two policemen in Bannu. The Mercy Corp charity shut down its offices after a driver was killed in Baluchistan.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Abdul Malik Droukdel, the leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, said his terror group still backs al Qaeda. “We inform you, O Emir Osama Bin Laden, that we are still faithful to you and are fighting with all our force,” Droukdel said in an audiotape.


Insurgents killed two policemen in Baghdad, two Awakening fighters in Balad, and a civilian in Mosul. Security forces killed seven gunmen involved in the attack at the Central Bank in Baghdad and the assassin of an Iraqiya politician in Mosul. Civilian and Iraqi security forces deaths have dropped by more than half since 2009.


Russia may send troops to Kyrgyzstan to help put down ethnic violence between Kyrgyz and Uzbek populations that has resulted in 124 people killed so far. The violence has not caused US operations at Manas airbase to be shut down. Russia is reportedly working to have US operations in Manas shut down.


Iran cleric wants ‘special weapons’ to deter enemy