Monthly Archives: June 2010


The Afghan Taliban captured 40 Pakistani Frontier Corps troops in Mohmand. Thirty-eight Taliban fighters and 10 Frontier Corps troops were killed in fighting in Bajaur. The Afghan Taliban denied receiving support from the Pakistani government and military.

Current state of Afghan war mirrors Iraq circa 2005-2006

This morning I had the opportunity to listen in on a panel called “Will Pakistan be Democratic in 2020?” that was hosted by The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (full disclosure, I am a fellow at FDD). On the panel were Cliff May, the President of FDD; Shuja Nawaz, the Director of the South […]


Four policemen and five terrorists were killed during clashes in the village of Kostek in Dagestan. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said there are 50 to 60 “militants” still active in the republic.


Iraqi forces killed one insurgent in Mosul; and detained 14 suspects and three al Qaeda fighters in Fallujah, and four wanted men in Samara. A suicide bomber wounded 14 Iraqis in Mosul. Hundreds of Turkish troops entered northern Iraq in pursuit of Kurdistan Workers’ Party terrorists.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Haqqani links quicker military action with US equipment

US Treasury sanctions target Iran’s nuclear and missile programs

Today the US Department of the Treasury announced sweeping sanctions against Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. The sanctions target the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as well as Iran’s shipping and financial sectors. The text of the Treasury’s latest sanctions fact sheet is below: The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced today a set of designations […]


A faction of the Hizbul Islam based in the town of Beledweyne has merged with Shabaab. “We are hereby declaring our resolve to unite with our fellow jihadists (holy warriors) in this strategic Hiran region,” Sheikh Abdulkadir Haji Ahmed told a crowd.


Authorities arrested a sub-commander of the Abu Sayyaf Group in Basilan who was wanted for kidnapping and illegal detention. A 72-year old Filipino of Swiss descent was rescued by Philippine troops in the outskirts of Zamboanga city after two months of captivity. The Abu Sayyaf Group is suspected of being behind the abduction.


Algerian authorities dismantled a terror cell providing logistical support and new recruits to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. A number of men, between the ages of 22 and 35, belonged to AQIM’s El Huda brigade in the Kabylie region. Algerian security services released details on the terror watchlist database shared by Sahel-Sahara countries.


The Taliban denied receiving support from Pakistan. In Kunduz province, 12 Taliban fighters and two US soldiers were killed during clashes. In Ghazni, the Taliban killed three security contractors in an IED attack. In the Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar, Coalition and Afghan forces conducted a major operation, dealing “a major blow to more […]

Pakistan funds Lashkar-e-Taiba in Punjab

Here is an excellent reason why upping Pakistan’s aid from about $500 million a year to $1.5 billion a year was and still is a terrible idea. Last year, the provincial government of Punjab handed over $951,000 to Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the thinly veiled front group for Hafiz Saeed’s Lashkar-e-Taiba. This is the same group that launched […]


President Ahmadinejad said Iran is willing to talk about its nuclear program if certain preconditions are met. Tehran sent several more aid ships to Gaza. Tehran continued to shell Kurdish militants in the border lands between Iran and Iraq.


Security forces detained an American in Chitral who claimed to be hunting Osama bin Laden. The Taliban have regrouped in Bajaur and bombed a NATO fuel tanker in Chaman. Eleven Taliban surrendered to local officials in Swat.