Monthly Archives: June 2010


Secretary Gates testified that Iran could fire “hundreds” of missiles against Europe in an attack. Russian President Medvedev criticized additional US and EU sanctions on Iran. Tehran argued that new sanctions against Iran prove the world powers maintain a double standard.

United States

A federal grand jury formally indicted failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad with 10 offenses, including the attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and an attempted act of terrorism transcending national boundaries. Shahzad had received $12,000 in cash from the Pakistani Taliban to carry out the attack.


Iran shocked by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s condemnation of religious crackdown


Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys denied that factions of his group have defected and joined rival Shabaab. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a appointed a new military commander.


Insurgents killed two policemen in Diyala and five members of a family in Fallujah. Iraqi security forces detained six al Qaeda operatives during operations in central and northern Iraq.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 38 Haqqani Network fighters in Paktika, and captured a Taliban sub-commander in Kandahar. A suicide bomber killed only himself in Ghazni. The US military downplayed the importance of the December review of the situation in Afghanistan. The country’s mineral wealth may be worth more than $3 trillion.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda in Iraq’s front group, claimed responsibility for the June 13 attack on the Central Bank in Baghdad. Four policemen, 14 Iraqi civilians, and three terrorists were killed in the attack.

The world’s 18 strangest military bases

Al Qaeda

Two al Qaeda commanders and a Turkish foreign fighter were killed during the June 10 Predator strike in Norak, North Waziristan. Sheikh Ihsanullah was an “Arab al Qaeda military commander” while Ibrahim was the commander of the Fursan-i-Mohammed Group, according to a statement released by the Taifatul Mansura Group.


The European Union followed the US’ lead to press for tighter sanctions on Iranian corporations. Iraq said it will not allow Kurdish terrorist groups to perpetrate attacks against Iran. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said Turkey is not Iran’s ally.