Monthly Archives: June 2010

Some perspective on Afghanistan’s mineral resources

As everyone who follows Afghanistan should know by now, during the past week the country was estimated to have up to $3 trillion in untapped mineral resources. There is hope that this could transform the country and the war effort: as James Risen wrote following the discovery, senior US officials believed it could be “enough […]

Al Qaeda

US considers partially lifting ban on transfers of detainees to Yemen


Pakistan – Taliban recruiting unemployed youth from S Punjab: Khosa


Pakistan – Baitullah ordered Benazir™s murder, reveals FIA report


A European Union judge has freed a man wanted by the US for connections to the North Carolina terror ring led by Daniel Patrick Boyd. Bajram Asllani is wanted by the US for providing material support to the terror group, which plotted to attack the US Marine Corps base in Quantico, Va.

Muslims leery of US and Barack Obama: poll


Two civilians were killed in separate incidents while two soldiers were injured in Pattani province. The soldiers were injured while escorting teachers in Thung Yang Daeng district after a bomb exploded. One male civilian was killed while drinking tea in Mayor district and the other male civilian was gunned down on his way home in […]


Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis in a bombing in Touz, five Iraqi soldiers in an ambush in Anbar, four civilians in a rocket attack in Baghdad, four civilians in a shooting in Abu Ghraib, and a policeman in a shooting near Mosul. Security forces detained two al Qaeda operatives during separate raids in the north.


The General Director of Al Madina district in Marib Province claimed that top al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders Nasir al Wuhayshi, Said al Shihri, and Qassim al Raymi are present in his district. Two suspected al Qaeda fighters are being prosecuted for murdering eight Yemeni soldiers.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula called for tribes in Marib province to fight the government and threatened to retaliate for airstrikes against its members. “Allah willing, we will light up the ground with fire under the tyrants of infidelity in the regime of [President] Ali Saleh and his helpers, the agents of America,” the […]


The Taliban killed two US soldiers and one British soldier in separate attacks in the south, and five government-backed militiamen in Kunduz. Coalition and Afghan forces captured a Taliban commander in Zabul and two fighters in Kandahar.


Burma – Aung San Suu Kyi’s desperate plea to the world


Pakistan – Security alert as minister receives ‘death threats’

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Majority dislikes Taliban, dissatisfied with govt: survey