Monthly Archives: May 2010


Judges in Paris have submitted preliminary charges against nine people, including two with prior terrorist convictions. The men were plotting to free Smain Ali Belkacem, an Algerian, who was convicted in 2003 for bombing a Paris rail line in 1995. Belkacem been charged for directing the group’s effort to free him.


Insurgents detonated a roadside bomb in Krong Penang district in Yala that wounded five Thai soldiers. The military patrol was on an intra-village road at Na Tham village when the attack occurred. Two women were killed in drive-by shootings in Yala in Muang district.


Abu Sayyaf Group fighters murdered a woman after taking her from her family farm at Basilan. Two people were killed in skirmishes between the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and militiamen in Maguindanao. UN Secretary General Ban is pushing for tougher measures on groups recruiting child soldiers, including Abu Sayyaf Group, the New People’s Army, and […]


Pakistan has blocked over 800 websites for republishing “blasphemous” material; Google is “suspicious” of Pakistan’s ban. The Taliban killed two tribal leaders in Swat and bombed a school in Peshawar.


Thirteen people were killed in clashes between Ethiopian forces and civilians in the town of Buhodle. African Union forces joined the fighting in Mogadishu as Shabaab fighters advance on the Presidential Palace. Hizbul Islam announced it would force an Islamic government and enforce sharia.


The Taliban launched a coordinated assault on Kandahar Airfield; four foreigners have been wounded. The Taliban killed three ISAF troops in southern Afghanistan. Both the Afghan government and the Taliban denied involvement in talks in the Maldives.


Taliban deny attending peace talks with Afghan government in Maldives


Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani told the West it must accept the nuclear fuel swap agreement as is. Russia’s envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference said the nuclear fuel swap deal is satisfactory. Iran’s envoy to Russia said Western sanctions are ineffective.


The call of Babylon: Why some travelers are braving Iraq


Authorities have released due to lack of evidence one of the men accused of plotting a Mumbai-style terrorist attack that was to target the president and foreigners. The governments of Indonesia and China are discussing upgrading their military cooperation. Indonesia is offering non-lethal military aid in exchange for Chinese naval missiles.


A senior nurse working at a hospital in a Thai military camp was killed in a drive-by shooting by suspected separatists. She was killed on her motorcycle in Thung Yangdaeng district while heading to work inside the Ingkayuth Boriharn military camp in Pattani.