Monthly Archives: May 2010


Insurgents™ seizure of a pirate base in Somalia raises questions about its future

Full text of Hakeemullah videotape

Hakeemullah Mehsud, the leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, from his audiotape, dated April 19, 2010. Below the fold is the full text of a videotape released to The Long War Journal by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan News Channel. The videotape, dated April 4, and another audiotape, dated April 19, were released less […]


Insurgents killed one civilian and wounded 94 others in an attack on two buses carrying Christian students in Mosul. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah, and five al Qaeda operatives in Kirkuk and Baghdad. Five terrorists surrendered to police in Miqdadiyah.


Hizbul Islam took control of the pirate haven of Haradhere. A bombing at a mosque in Kismayo killed one person. Shabaab threatened to conduct suicide attacks to avenge the May 1 bombings at a mosque in Mogadishu that killed more than 40 people.


Mullah Omar dispatched a delegation to North Waziristan to help free Colonel Imam, the ‘Father of the Taliban,’ who was kidnapped by the Asian Tigers. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan. Coalition and Afghan forces detained two Taliban fighters in Kabul.

Al Qaeda

Car bomb in Times Square started to detonate, would’ve caused ‘sizeable’ deaths


Kuwaiti members of parliament demanded that an Iranian envoy be expelled for running a spy network; a top Islamic Revolution Guards Corps denied that Iran ran agents in Kuwait. Defense officials claimed Iran has developed a short range anti-cruise missile defense system.

‘Failed’ car bomb found in Times Square

At the risk of stating the obvious, this is extremely bad news that is going to cause many personnel at law enforcement agencies to lose a lot of sleep. Police and firefighters found what appears to be a car bomb near Times Square. It appears the bomb was in the process of being detonated, but […]

United States

New York City’s Times Square was evacuated after a car bomb that failed to detonate was discovered by police and firefighters. A man was seen running from the Nissan SUV just before smoke and a flash were seem coming from the vehicle.


Four Taliban and three civilians were killed after security forces surrounded a guesthouse and a suicide bomber detonated his vest. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and detained a Taliban commander in Karachi.


US embassy warns of terror attack threat in Delhi


The Independent High Electoral Commission said the recount of 2.5 million votes in Baghdad would begin on Monday and may take up to three weeks to complete. Two insurgents were killed during a premature detonation while planting an IED in Fallujah. Security forces detained two insurgents in Mosul.


Press freedom suffered more setbacks in 2009, new report shows


Two explosions at a Shabaab-linked mosque in the Bakara market in Mogadishu killed more than 40 people. Sheik Fuad Mohammed Khalaf, a top military commander for Shabaab, was wounded. Residents of the town of Dusomareb in central Somalia have begun to leave as a Shabaab offensive is expected.


One person was killed and 29 more were wounded in a bombing at a horse race during May Day celebrations in Nalchik, the capital of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. The bomb was detonated just before the president and other senior officials were due to arrive at the event.