Monthly Archives: May 2010

Pakistani-American ‘person of interest’ in failed Times Square bombing

Today’s report on the Times Square failed bombing from The Washington Post wins this month’s coveted Captain Louis Renault Award. This is probably going to have nearly everyone’s surprise meter pegged at zero. From The Washington Post: Investigators are getting closer to tracking down a person of interest in the attempted bombing in Times Square, […]


Investigators close in on ‘person of interest’ in Times Square bomb attempt


US Predators killed 4 “militants” in an airstrike in North Waziristan. Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Bajaur and 11 more in Arakzai.


Security forces claimed to have killed 35 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives and detained more than two dozen during “preemptive raids” over the past several weeks. The raids took place in Sana’a and the provinces of Hodaida, Marib, Shabwa, and Abyan.


The head of the Independent High Election Commission said the vote recount will not change the election result. Security forces detained 11 wanted men in Basrah and an Ansar al Islam leader and seven fighters in Baghdad. Insurgents killed two civilians and two policemen in Kirkuk, Baghdad, and Salahadin.


Clashes in Somalia’s capital of Mogadishu left 3 people dead. Hizbul Islam leader Hassan Dahir Aweys denounced recent attacks in mosques in Mogadishu and Kismayo. Hizbul Islam thwarted a plot to overthrow its governor of Hiran.

Wanted ‘German Taliban’ member killed in Pakistan

Video of the ‘German Taliban’ training in Waziristan. The video was released in later 2009. A convicted German terrorist wanted for his involvement in the failed plot to attack US military facilities in Germany in 2008 was killed in Pakistan, German officials told The Associated Press. Germany’s main domestic intelligence agency said that a statement […]


Security forces detained an undisclosed number of Kuwaitis and foreigners for spying for Iran. The detainees have gathered information on US and Kuwaiti military installations in Kuwait for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.


A suicide bomber killed a civilian in an attack outside Combat Outpost Chapman, a CIA base in Khost used to direct Predator strikes in Pakistan. The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Paktika and beheaded a female former government official in Zabul.

North Africa

Saharan nations are conducting a major joint military exercise coordinated by the United States and joined by many European nations. Operation Flintlock, a three week operation with over 1,200 military personnel participating, is based out of a temporary command center in Bukina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou. Flintlock aims to improve Saharan nations’ capacity to collaborate in […]


Pakistan – Killers of Khwaja wanted custody of Afghan Taliban, not release


India – 26/11: Kasab guilty; Ansari, Sabauddin Shaikh acquitted


President Ahmadinejad said “Iran does not need to gain the West’s trust.” Ahmad Motamehdi, a former reformist minister, was wounded in knife attack. Iran will launch two telecommunication satellites in 2010.

United States

The New York City police commissioner said a successful explosion from the failed Times Square car bomb would have caused a large fireball and casualties. Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano described the bomb plot as a “one off.” Police are searching for a man in his 40s who was seen on videotape as a possible suspect.

The Taliban

The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan released two tapes of Hakeemullah Mehsud to prove he was alive. On the audio and the video tapes, Hakeemullah threatened to carry out attacks against the US. Qari Hussain Mehsud, Hakeemullah’s deputy, also released a tape claiming credit for the failed car bombing in New York City.


Security forces killed 21 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and a suspected suicide bomber in Swat. The Taliban killed a tribal leader in a grenade attack in Swat and bombed two boys’ schools in Bajaur.


German troops face pitched battles in Afghanistan as insurgency spreads