Monthly Archives: May 2010


Security agencies detained two friends and several family members of the Times Square bomber. The ambassador to the US said the bomber, a Pakistani-American, is a “disturbed individual.” Hakeemullah Mehsud sent a letter to Aifa Siddiqui’s sister promising to attack the US for Aifa’s detention.

United States

Times Square bomb plot: Documents found near bomb suspect’s former Shelton home

United States

Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad said to implicate himself; probe expands to Pakistan


Iraqi forces captured Abu Abdullah al Shafi, the leader of Ansar al Islam. Security forces also detained a wanted Saudi al Qaeda fighter in Mosul and 20 wanted men in Basrah. A Syrian suicide bomber carried out one of four attacks on foreign embassies in Baghdad last month.

Times Square bomber trained in Waziristan camp

Faisal Shahzad. Last night my intelligence sources said it was very likely that Faisal Shahzad, the main suspect in the failed Times Square car bomb attack, had trained in Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan. From The Long War Journal: While the exact movements of Faisal are not yet known, US intelligence officials contacted by […]


New deBaathification moves unlikely to change Iraq™s political scene


Shabaab blamed US contractor Xe for dual blasts at a mosque that killed more than 40 people on May 1. Both Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Waljama™a claimed victory after clashes in Mogadishu. Pirates seized a Yemeni vessel; nine crewmen are in custody.

US Military

The US military transferred two detainees from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to authorities in Bulgaria and Spain. The names of those released have not been given. The US has transferred 590 detainees to foreign countries since 2002; an estimated 20 percent have returned to the battlefield after being released.


Gen. Stanley McChrystal on India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and ‘gravitational pull’


The governor of Kandahar said there will not be a military operation in the province. The Taliban killed two British soldiers and a Canadian soldier in the south and executed a “spy” in Kunduz. Two Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation while planting an IED in Zabul. Seventeen schoolgirls have been poisoned in […]

Times Square plot broadens, as many as 8 suspects detained in Pakistan

More arrests have been made in the failed terror plot on New York’s Times Square in Pakistan. Fox News is reporting at least 8 suspects have been arrested in connection with the plot. From Fox News/CBS News: Between four and eight people have been taken into custody for questioning in Pakistan in connection with the […]


President Ahmadinejad called for the UN to reprimand the US for nuclear aggression. US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran is seeking to challenge US naval supremacy in the Persian Gulf. The Iranian navy announced new war games will commence in the next few weeks.