Monthly Archives: May 2010

Al Qaeda

Times Square suspect ‘inspired by radical cleric with links to Christmas Day plot and Fort Hood shootings’

Petraeus describes changes in Army structure, doctrine


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula vowed to attack Saudi interests inside Yemen. The Times Square car bomber was “inspired” to wage jihad against the US by Anwar al Awlaki. A Yemeni court is questioning a US citizen who is a member of al Qaeda.


Afghan security forces detained 16 terrorists, including six Pakistanis as well as Haqqani Network and HIG fighters, over the past several weeks. The terrorists were plotting suicide attacks in Kabul. Afghan and Coalition forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained a commander in Farah; and detained a Haqqani Network commander and two fighters, and two […]


India troops claimed to have killed five Lashkar-e-Taiba fighters during a clash in the city of Sheikhpora. An Indian Army major and a soldier were also killed in the clash. The Hizbul Mujahideen denied the report and claimed the fighters were their own.


Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said the world should recognize Iran as a nuclear power. “You should regard the nuclearization of Iran as a bygone fact,” he said during a sermon broadcast nationally. “By God’s grace, Iran has entered the world countries’ nuclear club.”

United States

Faisal Shahzad Had Contact With Anwar Awlaki, Taliban, and Mumbai Massacre Mastermind, Officials Say

Taliban denial of links to Shahzad doesn’t match known facts

The top spokesman for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan has recently denied any links to the failed Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad. From Daily Times: “We have no connection with Faisal Shahzad,” Azam Tariq, a spokesman for the TTP, told Daily Times over the phone from an undisclosed location. “We don’t know him… […]


Security forces killed 26 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and detained two suicide bombers in Peshawar. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan’s top spokesman denied any links to the failed Times Square bomber. The ‘Asian Tigers’ freed Colonel Imam.


Insurgents killed Abdul Salam Omran, the General Director of the National Security Directorate, and three civilians in bombings in Baghdad. Security forces detained a senior al Qaeda leader in Mosul and an IED facilitator in Kirkuk.

The Taliban’s favorite website?

Over at The Daily Beast, John Avlon ran a profile of The Long War Journal and the coverage of the Hakeemullah and Qari Hussain Mehsud tapes in relation to the failed Times Square bombing. The article provides some concise yet accurate background on this site. The title of the article is “The Taliban’s Favorite Website,” […]


Russian commandos stormed a pirated ship and freed the Russian crew; one pirate was killed and 10 more were detained. Four people were killed after Hizbul Islam clashed with security guards at a hospital outside Mogadishu. An Ahlu Sunna Waljama™a cleric has been appointed the deputy commander of Somalia’s army.


Two ISAF soldiers were killed in the south. Security forces detained a Taliban commander and an undisclosed number of fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, and Khost. The Taliban ordered cell phone companies in Kunduz to shut down at night. The government will offer Taliban leaders exile as part of a peace agreement.

‘Historic’ day as first non-latin web addresses go live


Security forces killed Magomed Gardanov, a wanted terrorist leader in the city of Nazran in Ingushetia. A woman also died during the raid. Security forces also killed two “gunmen” in the Ingush city of Kantyshevo.