Monthly Archives: May 2010


Afghan and Coalition forces killed eight Taliban fighters and detained one more during operations in Kunduz and Zabul. The Taliban said it would launch a major counteroffensive against Afghan and Coalition forces. “The Al-Faath Jihadic operations will start in 10th May 2010,” the statement read.

Expanded Predator targeting in Pakistan is very old news

For some reason, this story about the expansion of of the US air campaign in Pakistan to include lower-level terrorist operatives and foot soldiers is getting a lot of play. From CNN: When the latest apparent U.S. drone strike was conducted this week against militants in Pakistan, the obvious question appeared to be: Did the […]


Jemaah Islamiyah founder Abu Bakar Bashir claimed he was the target of a police raid that netted five terror suspects in South Jakarta. Police raided the headquarters of the Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid, a group founded by Bashir in 2008.


Times Square bomb scare: Suspect had ties to Pakistani militants

When the Taliban emails

I have a cover story in in this week’s edition of The Weekly Standard. Titled “The Taliban in My Inbox,” the story details the surreal encounter with the Taliban on May 2. I’ve had quite a few questions on how the release of the Taliban tapes went down, and this article will hopefully answer those […]


Pakistani Ambassador: US Needs to Be "Robin Hood" in Tribal Areas

These aren’t the Pakistani terrorists you’re looking for

Business as usual in Pakistan. Security forces round up known members of Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, and “other organisations linked with al Qaeda,” only to cut them loose. Keep in mind that Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are banned in Pakistan, although the status of “other organisations linked with al Qaeda” is unclear. From Daily Times: Intelligence agencies have […]


Interior Minister Malik claimed that Abdul Haq al Turkistani, the leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party, is dead. The Taliban executed a captive Afghan soldier in North Waziristan and killed four policemen in Mansehra. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Swat and detained two more in Nowshera.


Kuwait – Media banned from reporting on alleged Iran spy ring


Insurgents killed three Awakening fighters in Kirkuk. A terrorist killed himself in a premature IED detonation in Ramadi. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah, three al Qaeda fighters north of Tikrit, three insurgents in Diyala, and an al Qaeda leader in Abu Ghraib.


The African Union peacekeeping force based in Mogadishu said it had “credible information” that “a series of synchronized suicide attacks and planting IEDs” would take place in the capital. Somali journalists exiled in Kenya are being threatened by Shabaab.