Monthly Archives: May 2010


The Taliban killed 10 Afghan civilians and security forces, and a British soldier, in attacks in Helmand. Afghan and Coalition forces captured an undisclosed number of Taliban fighters in Kunduz. The governor of Balkh warned that his province and Jazjan and Samangaan are in danger of becoming unstable.


The government hanged six drug dealers and five Kurdish activists over the weekend. Border guards seized six Iraqi boats and detained 12 crewmen, claiming they were spying. A top member of parliament said a nuclear fuel swap must take place on Iranian soil.


The US has requested that Yemen extradite al Qaeda members Jaber Elbanneh and Anwar al Awlaki. The US is also probing for links between Awlaki and failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. Britain reopened its embassy after a failed assassination attempt against its ambassador two weeks ago.

Taliban: Next Afghan push coming Monday

A new statement from the Taliban’s info-machine (Voice of Jihad English site – non-terrorist site) gives a heads-up about a new operation, “Al-Faath,” allegedly kicking off May 10. The last announcement of a new operation (“Nasrat”) came almost exactly a year ago (via, or PDF from non-terrorist site). It was a reasonably short statement […]


The US killed 10 “rebels” in an airstrike in North Waziristan. Security forces killed 23 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban wounded four policemen in a bombing in Hangu and blew up an electricity pylon in Kohat.


The recount in Baghdad is 50 percent complete; no major change in the result are expected. Iraqi forces killed an insurgent in Mosul and detained 13 wanted men in Basrah, five al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, four wanted men in Mosul, and a senior Hezbollah Brigades leader and two operatives in Baghdad. Insurgents killed a […]

United States

Attorney General Eric Holder and White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan admitted that there are direct links to failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad and the Pakistani Taliban. “It looks as though he was operating on behalf of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan,” Brennan said. “We’ve now developed evidence which shows that the Pakistani Taliban was behind […]


A suicide comber detonated his explosive-packed car just 100 meters outside of a military base in Dagestan. The bomber only killed himself. An explosive expert was killed while attempting to defuse a bomb in the Dagestani town of Kaspiysk.

Obama admin finally admits Taliban/Times Square links

After a week of attempting to deflect consideration of connections between failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad and the Taliban, top Obama administration officials have now admitted that a link does indeed exist. From FOX News: Despite conflicting claims over the past week from military and law enforcement officials, as well as Taliban leaders, Attorney […]


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Herat and seven more in Khost. The Taliban killed three Afghan soldiers in Helmand and a Coalition soldier in the south. A Coalition UAV crashed in Kunduz.


Pakistani Taliban behind attempted Times Square car bombing, attorney general says


Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai and two commanders in Swat. The FBI is requesting access to the Times Square bomber’s father, who is a retired Air Force vice air marshal. The leader of Jamaat-i-Islami said Blackwater is behind most terror attacks in Pakistan.


Insurgents killed a soldier and two civilians in attacks in Baghdad and Mosul. Security forces detained 20 wanted men in Diwaniyah, and four insurgents in and around Mosul. Police defused two EFPs in Dhi Qhar.


Fuad Mohammed Shonghole, a top Shabaab military commander, threatened to target the US. “We will cut their throats wherever we find them,” he said. The UN implored Shabaab and Hizbul Islam to end the occupation of medical clinics in Mogadishu. Pirates hijacked a Taiwanese freighter.