Monthly Archives: May 2010

Another ‘al Qaeda guy’ dies in Afghanistan

On April 27, blogger Michael Yon asked military commanders if they could recall if any “al Qaeda guys” were killed or captured in Afghanistan. Our list, here, names several, as well as some Afghan commanders killed in US airstrikes in Pakistan. And here is another, Abu Dijana San’aani, a Yemeni who served as a bomb […]


The US Department of State placed financial sanctions on two top leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Qasim al Raimi, the top military commander for AQAP, and Nayif al Qahtani, an operational commander and link to the network in Saudi Arabia, were added to the list of terrorists sanctioned by the US.


A Somali soldier was killed in an IED attack on May 10 in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam said a UN plan to fight piracy is aimed at Somali fishermen. Pirates freed a Bermuda-flagged ship and its crew after a ransom was paid.


Afghan and Coalition killed 18 Taliban fighters and detained six more in an operation in Helmand’s Sangin district. The Taliban killed two US soldiers in the south. The Coalition has permitted poppy harvesting in Marja in Helmand. Thirty schoolgirls were hospitalized after poison gas was released in schools in Kunduz and Kabul.


The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said Iran needs to be able to hit “enemies’ capabilities … from long distances.” The Army’s top commander claimed it warned off a US military plane from Iranian exercises in the Persian Gulf. An Iranian court sentenced a Newsweek reporter in absentia to 13 years in jail and 74 lashes […]


A Kuwaiti criminal court acquitted eight members of an al Qaeda cell who were on trial for attempting to attack the US military base at Arifjan. Two of the men were being tried in absentia; one of them is on trial in Lebanon for al Qaeda links.


Borno state has banned the radical Islamic sect, Boko Haram, from its territory. The governor outlawed the sect because of its danger to good governance and its engagement in illegal activities. Borno state was the center of Boko Haram’s violence throughout northern Nigeria in July 2009 that led to the deaths of more than 800 […]


Nine Pakistani soldiers, including two officers, and 37 Taliban fighters were killed in fighting Arakzai. Tribal police foiled a Taliban attempt to blow up a school in Khyber. Intelligence agencies said law enforcement agencies in Punjab may be the target of attacks.


Winning Hearts and Minds? Examining the Relationship Between Aid and Security in Kenya


The foreign minister said the American-born, radical al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki will not be extradited to the US if detained. “He must be tried once he is captured and convicted in his homeland but never by other governments,” Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al Qirbi said.

Yemen will not extradite Anwar al Awlaki if captured

Yemen’s foreign minister said that his country will not extradite American-born, radical al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki if detained. As SABA today reports: Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi has said that Yemen would not hand Anwar al-Awlaki to the U.S. The man the U.S. wants to be extradited will stand trial in Yemen under […]


Eighty Iraqis were killed in a series of al Qaeda suicide attacks, bombings, and shooting throughout Iraq. Attacks took place in Baghdad, Basrah, Mosul, Fallujah, Balad, Hilla, and Wasit. Security forces detained two al Qaeda operatives southwest of Kirkuk.

Al Qaeda

‘Al-Qaeda in Britain’ leader who threatened Gordon Brown and Tony Blair pleads guilty


Shabaab captured the southern town of Elberde after government forces abandoned it. The Shabaab spokesman denied claims that the group was planning attacks in Mogadishu. Pirates hijacked a German tanker carrying chemicals.