Monthly Archives: May 2010


The Taliban killed two “US spies” in North Waziristan, two people in an attack on a NATO fuel tanker in Chaman, and five civilians in in attacks in Peshawar. The military claimed 20 Taliban were detained in Kala Dhaka; elders said only tribesmen were detained.


Two Iraqis were killed in an IED attack in Baghdad. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah and 12 more in Fallujah, 10 insurgents in Kirkuk, an al Qaeda extortion leader in Mosul, three al Qaeda operatives in Tikrit, and two more in Wasit.


Russia claimed that it freed 10 pirates but they failed to return to shore. A deputy police chief and a soldier were killed in a bombing in Mogadishu. Puntland security forces detained two Shabaab fighters.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed a senior Taliban commander and suicide attack facilitator and detained an undisclosed number of fighters in Helmand. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in attacks in the south and executed a prison official in Kandahar, and attacked a guest house run by the government in Badakhshan.


President Ahmadinejad told the US to “leave the region; leave Afghanistan; leave Iraq; withdraw to your borders and mind your own business.” An Afghan man assaulted Pakistan’s ambassador to Iran in Tehran. Seven foreign firms that have invested in Iran have received US government contracts.


The Algerian military has reported that it has surrounded a number of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leaders at Zekri, in the province of Bejaia. One of those thought to be surrounded is the leader of AQIM, Abu Mosaâb Abelouadoud, aka Abdelmalek Droukdal. The NPA is giving Droukdal and the others one last chance […]

Swedish Mohammad cartoonist attacked at lecture

US Special Forces, Marines train African armies to face terrorists and traffickers in Sahara


al-Qaeda claims responsibility for attack on British ambassador in Yemen


Pace of US drawdown from Iraq on schedule: Pentagon


A pair of US airstrikes in North Waziristan killed 21 Taliban fighters. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and a suspect in the murder of an Iranian consular official in Peshawar. The US is considering designating the Pakistani Taliban as a terrorist entity.


Fahim Ahmad, the leader of the Toronto 18 terror cell, pled guilty to charges against him, including aiding a terror group. Ahmad’s cell was planning to take control of nuclear sites and storming parliament to take politicians hostages and force the country to withdraw from Afghanistan.


Police detained Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman, a Pakistani man who attempted to enter the US Embassy in Santiago. Rehman was detained after a detector was set off by traces of explosives. Rehman reportedly is in Chile to study tourism and was applying for a visa to the US.


Security forces detained 12 insurgents in Hillah, six al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad and northern Iraq, six wanted men in Basrah, two insurgents in Kirkuk, and two more in Diyala. Insurgents killed a civilian in Mosul.