Monthly Archives: May 2010

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has released a video with an audio voice-over by the kidnapped French national, Michel Germaneau. In the video, Germaneau’s picture and identification card are visible and he verbally authenticates AQIM’s abduction. AQIM is demanding a prisoner swap for the release of the Frenchman.


Security forces killed 10 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and detained a suspect in the failed Times Square bomb attack. An anti-terrorism court acquitted nine suspects accused of killing a senior Army general and seven others in a suicide attack in Rawalpindi.


Two Iraqi soldiers were killed while defusing an IED in Baghdad. Security forces detained 18 wanted men in Basrah, four al Qaeda operatives south of Baghdad, and a suspected Iranian operative in Khanaqin.


Ten people were killed in clashes between Hizbul Islam and government forces in Mogadishu. A former mayor of Mogadishu escaped an assassination attempt in the capital. Hizbul Islam is establishing an administration in the Mudug region in central Somali.


Police killed three men suspected of providing assistance to the Moscow Metro suicide attacks on March 29 that killed 41 civilians. Police did not disclose where the three men were killed.


Police killed five terror suspects and detained one more on May 12 during a raid in in Cawang in East Jakarta. Police arrested three terror suspects during a raid on a safe house in Sukoharjo district in Central Java.


Afghan and US security forces killed 41 Taliban fighters in Kunduz and 14 more in Ghazni, and detained 40 Taliban fighters in Helmand. Police killed a suicide bomber in Laghman.


An al Qaeda group calling itself the Brigade of Sheikh Abu Omar al Baghdadi has claimed the failed suicide attack that targeted Britain’s Ambassador to Yemen in Sana’a on April 26. The suicide bomber was identified as Othman Nouman al Salawi.

United States

The FBI has executed search warrants in connection with the failed Times Square bombing in locations in the Northeast. Homes and a gas station have been searched, reportedly for cash connections to the plot. Two have been taken into custody for immigration violations.


Terrorists ambushed a communications tower repair crew in the Sergokalinsk region in Dagestan, killing eight people. The police-escorted convoy was hit by an IED and then fired upon. The communications tower was bombed the night before.


US intelligence officials believe Iran is allowing al Qaeda operatives based in the country to move freely into neighboring countries. Members of al Qaeda’s top leadership circles based in Iran, including Saif al Adel, al Qaeda’s top strategist, are thought to be free to travel to Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Are Sadr militias rearming in Iraq’s south?

Al Qaeda

Europe’s antiterrorism agencies favor human intelligence over technology