Monthly Archives: May 2010


Insurgents killed seven Iraqis, including a muezzin, in bombings and shooting in Baghdad, Mosul, and Jalawlaa. Security forces detained three insurgents in Kirkuk, three wanted men south of Amarah, and an al Qaeda leader in Baghdad.


The US killed five Taliban fighters in its first Predator strike in Khyber. Taliban fighters disguised as policemen kidnapped 57 people in Kurram. The Tehreek-i-Taliban Balochistan distributed threatening letters to schools in Baluchistan. The leader of the Jamaat-i-Islami called for negotiations with the Taliban.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Five al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters have been killed by Algerian military forces in Djelfa province. The AQIM fighters were controlling a passage in the province when they became embroiled in a firefight with the army, resulting in the deaths of six soldiers, including one commander.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 10 Taliban fighters and detained a commander in Helmand. The Taliban killedfive civilians in Khost and kidnapped five civilians in Kunar. A district-level Taliban leader surrendered in Farah.


Iran’s Fars News Agency claimed an IAEA report would confirm the country has only pursued a civilian nuclear program. An influential radical cleric called for the creation of an Islamic United States that stretches from Afghanistan to Israel. A French academic accused of spying during the July 2009 protests will be released from custody.


Two Moroccan students have been deported from Italy after the Interior Ministry deemed them a threat to national security with possible ties to Islamists. The Moroccans are suspected of expressing their desire to kill the Pope. The men studied at a university in Perugia and were placed on a Casablanca-bound flight by masked police officers […]


Three Islamist fighters were killed and one captured by the Algerian military in northeastern Algeria. The Islamists were ambushed and killed in Jijel province. Jijel province borders the Kabylia region, which has been the stronghold of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Islamist fringe groups.


Over a dozen suspected terrorist cases are being heard in Mauritanian courts in Nouakchott, including three Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb-linked men accused of killing a French teacher in Aleg on Dec. 24, 2007. Other terror-related cases are being heard related to the French murder, an attack on the Israel embassy, and individual terrorist […]

United States

Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad may have trained in a terror camp in Pakistan’s Mohmand tribal agency. Shahzad is thought to have received $4,000 during a secret meeting at a Dunkin Donuts on Long Island.


The Pakistani Taliban threatened to carry out more attacks in the US. Security forces killed 16 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters and detained 51 more in Khyber, and killed seven Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The North Waziristan Taliban said it would maintain its peace agreement with the government.


In recount, Iraqi panel finds little fraud


GI’s find bullets still flying at outpost in Iraq

Pakistani Taliban take credit for failed Times Square attack, again

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq {center). After denying any involvement in the May 1 failed bombing in Times Square, Pakistani Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq said the terror group’s followers were indeed involved. From Reuters: A Taliban spokesman, in a video message obtained by Reuters, repeated a claim of responsibility, saying: “The movement proved what America […]


Eight Iraqis were killed and 125 more were wounded in three bombings at a soccer match in Tal Afar. Eighteen Iraqis were wounded in a bombing near a Shia mosque in Hillah. Security forces detained 18 wanted men in Basrah and a suspected bomber in Wasit.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda in Iraq appointed Nasser al Din Allah Abu Suleiman as its new ‘war minister’ for the Islamic State of Iraq. He vowed to attack Iraqi security forces and subject the Shia to “a long and gloomy night and darker days colored in blood.”


More than 25 people have been killed in fighting in Mogadishu over the past two days. Another faction of the Ras Kamboni Brigade cut ties with Hizbul Islam. Pirates freed a British chemical tanker after receiving a ransom.


More than 500 protesters claimed ISAF forces killed 11 civilians during a raid in Nangarhar province. ISAF claimed its forces killed a Taliban sub-commander and several fighters in Nangarhar. ISAF also killed two Taliban commanders and an undisclosed number of fighters, and captured two Haqqani Network leaders in Khost, Zabul, and Ghazni. The Taliban killed […]


Police arrested several al Qaeda operatives who said they planned on carrying out a Mumbai-like assault in Jakarta during President Obama’s upcoming visit on Aug. 17. The terrorists were to assault government buildings and hotels; murder government and foreign officials, including President Obama; and declare an Islamic state.


Diplomats said Iran has continued to expand its uranium enrichment capabilities. China continues to push for a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear program. A Taiwanese businessman pled guilt to attempting to ship banned missile parts to Iran.


Crackdown on opposition appears under way In Iran