Monthly Archives: May 2010

NATO unveils draft of new mission statement


Afghan border police in Kandahar repelled an attack by three suicide bombers, who were killed in the assault. The Taliban killed a pro-government cleric and two family members in Kunar, two Italian soldiers in Badghis, and an ISAF soldier in the south.


Tehran agreed to Brazil’s proposal to send uranium to Turkey as part of a fuel swap. Ayatollah Khamenei urged unity in Muslim opposition to Israel. Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe arrived in Tehran for a state visit.


Iraqi technicians dismantling Hussein’s nuclear plants

Maldives offers relocation to two Guantanamo men

Pakistani journalist aids in murder of ISI officer

Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, who is known to be close to the various terror groups in Pakistan and the region, including al Qaeda, appears to have been caught on tape providing information to the Taliban that led to the death of Khalid Khawaja, who also had ties to terror groups in the region. Khawaja was […]


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters during air and artillery strikes in Arakzai. The Taliban has released 50 civilians who were kidnapped in Kurram on May 15. Ten civilians are still in Taliban captivity.


Security forces detained three insurgents in Mosul and three more south of Mosul, and a “Syrian infiltrator” in Al Qaim in western Anbar. Insurgents bombed the homes of policemen in Mosul and Fallujah; no one was hurt.


Puntland forces killed two Shabaab fighters during an attempt to capture a top regional commander. Hundreds of new Shabaab fighters have been seen moving to Mogadishu. Islamist fighters fired mortars at the parliament building; African Union forces returned fire.


Nasser al Wahayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, warned that his group would attack the US if it kills or captures the radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki, and said more Sept. 11-style attacks would be launched against the US. “We are enamored with the attacks of September 11,” he said.


A previously unknown group identifying itself as the Islamic Emirate of al Hind has called for the release of convicted Mumbai terrorist Mohammed Ajmal Kasab. The group said it was an obligation of Muslims to free Kasab, who has been sentenced to death for his role in the November 2008 Mumbai massacre.


The Taliban killed four Afghan interpreters for ISAF forces during a wedding in Khost, the driver of a local intelligence official in Kandahar, and a US soldier in the south. Police killed a Haqqani Network fighter and detained two more in Paktika.


A ‘revolutionary court’ sentenced in absentia women’s rights activist Shadi Sadr and an associate to “to six years in jail and 74 lashes for acting against national security and harming public order.” Police also arrested a former member of parliament and opposition leader. Iran signed a trade deal with Brazil.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Nayif Mohammed Saeed al Qahtani is reported to have been killed in a shootout in Saudi Arabia sometime in April. The report is unconfirmed. Qahtani is a top operational commander for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.