Monthly Archives: May 2010

Faisal Shahzad more ambitious than thought

With the continued questioning of failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, more details are emerging about the details of the plot. Should the crude bomb that Shahzad planned for the Times Square attack have detonated successfully, a contingency plan was in place with additional targets already scouted. From Fox News: Shahzad, who authorities say left […]


The Swedish Security Service arrested a Swedish man in the Gothenburg area on suspicion that he is planning to conduct terror attacks in Somalia. Police refused to identify the suspect. “The identity is classified, the circumstances are classified, everything is classified,” an official said.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Qasim al Raymi, the military commander of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, said the US has given the terror group “1,000 new excuses and reasons to attack you” after local al Qaeda leader Jamil Nasser Abdullah al Ambari was killed. Ambari was killed in an airstrike in Abyan province on March 15.


Saudi forces freed two German girls, ages three and six, who have been held captive for more than a year by a group thought to be linked to al Qaeda. The two girls were being held along the Saudi-Yemeni border. A Yemeni court sentenced six Somali pirates to death.


ISAF and Afghan leaders discuss counter-insurgency and civilian casualties


A suicide bomber killed 12 civilians and six ISAF soldiers in an early morning attack on a military convoy in the center Kabul. The Taliban claimed the attack on their website.

IRGC cell broken up in Kuwait

Tony Badran from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies reports in NOW Lebanon that Kuwaiti and Saudi officials have unearthed a group of Iranian agents allegedly tied to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and living on Kuwaiti soil. In light of this recent security breach, the Kuwaiti government is prepared to move forward […]


US officials expressed skepticism over the proposed new Iranian fuel swap deal with Turkey. Ayatollah Khamenei called for Tehran to expand its ties in Africa. Iran expanded its non-oil export sector in the past quarter.


Army chief Kayani’s tenure not to be extended: Pakistan


The government released a Pakistani man who was detained after setting off explosive detectors at the US embassy in Santiago. Mohammad Saif ur Rehman Khan must remain in Chile and check with the authorities weekly as the government investigates the incident.


A Taliban leader surrendered in Sargodha. The Taliban issued a statement denying any contact with Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir over the death of former ISI officer Khalid Khawaja. Pakistan barred the entry of a Danish journalist in response to the publishing of Mohammed cartoons.


An Iraqi court ruled in favor of winning candidates barred for supposed Baathist ties. Security forces killed an al Qaeda operative near Tikrit and detained 28 wanted men in Diyala and eight more in Amarah, an Awakening leader in Diyala, and an al Qaeda leader in Hillah. Terrorists killed a cleric in Diyala.


Commander discusses NATO contributions in Afghanistan

Pictures of the ‘White Taliban’ in Nuristan

Via SpyTalk comes the report of a Western-looking man dressed in Western clothes, milling around in a group of Taliban fighters in Nuristan province, Afghanistan. The video (above, for as long as it stays up) was produced by Al Emara, the Taliban’s propaganda arm, and released on jihadist forums over the weekend. The video also […]

Al Qaeda

The Iraqi Army spokesman for the Baghdad command said that a Saudi member of al Qaeda who was recently detained has admitted to plotting to carry out attacks against the 2010 World Cup of Soccer in South America. The Saudi also was plotting attacks against Shia shrines in Najaf and Karbala.


Shabaab executed a man for “spying” for the government. Former State Minister for Defense Sheikh Indha’adde claimed the government is supporting Shabaab and Hizbul Islam. A Somali defense official said the Russians didn’t mean to kill 10 pirates who were captured and later released.


Nuclear fuel declaration by Iran, Turkey and Brazil


Iran™s nuke fuel deal: Breakthrough or bogus?


Afghanistan – Mysterious ‘White Taleban™ strike fear in village hearts


Iran creates illusion of progress in nuclear negotiations

On the resilience of the Iranian regime

Last week, the Hoover Institution at Stanford University hosted Fouad Ajami on its weekly interview program, Uncommon Knowledge. In one of the more interesting segments, interviewer Peter Robinson asked Dr. Ajami about the goals of the Iranian regime and what chances the opposition has of success: I’m worried about people who believe that Twitter and […]