Monthly Archives: April 2010


Afghanistan – Taleban defectors ‘are rejoining insurgency’


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei decried “atomic threats against Iranian people” which were allegedly made by the US president. The Pentagon said a military attack on Iran is “still on the table.” Defense Minister Vahidi said Iran has no plans to construct an ICBM capable of reaching the United States.


Five Somalis were beheaded in Mogadishu. Both Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Waljama claimed victory in the town of Godon. Shabaab also said it took control of the district of Elberde. Pirates hijacked three Thai ships with 77 crew members.


Iran’s Shiite clerics predict deadly quake as punishment from God


The top Taliban spokesman denied carrying out attacks in crowded cities and claimed Blackwater was behind the recent suicide strikes in Kohat and Peshawar. The Taliban warned shop owners and leaders to stop the “growing vulgarity.” Only four Taliban fighters were detained among 500 suspects rounded up in Swat.


A limited recount will take place in Baghdad; the Iraqiya Party supports the recount. Prime Minister Maliki said talks with the Iraqi National Alliance failed. Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Baqubah, Basrah, and Wasit, and an al Qaeda leader and an associate in Mosul.


ISAF apologized for killing four students in Khost; two of those killed were previously described as “known insurgents.” Afghan and Coalition forces killed six Haqqani Network fighters in Paktika. Two policemen were killed in a mine explosion in Kabul.


Muslim insurgents killed a policeman and wounded 43 more in a grenade attack on a police station in Yala. A car bombing at the same location two hours later wounded 17 people.

Why the Korengal Valley matters

At The New York Times, Sebastian Junger shares what he knows about Kunar’s Korengal Valley, the region abandoned by US forces last week and now overtaken by the Taliban. Junger’s article should be read in full, but the two paragraphs below point out that the valley does indeed possess tactical significance. And the oft-repeated mantra […]


The Algerian army has reportedly surrounded Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb emir Abdelmalek Droukdel in Bordj Bou Arreridj, a province of the Kabylie region. This is the third attempt by Algerian forces to capture or kill the infamous terrorist leader. The attempted ambush is part of anti-terror operations being conducted nationwide in an effort […]


General James Cartwright said the US will not stop the Iranian nuclear weapons program without “boots on the ground.” The Revolutionary Guards will stage a three-day military exercise in the Strait of Hormuz this weekend. Turkey offered to mediate between the West and Iran.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The Italian couple released by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has described their ordeal to the press, commenting that, “we were treated well.” They urged the European governments to cooperate with African nations to find the two Spanish hostages still held. Four Saharan nations are opening a joint command headquarters in Tarnanrasset, Algeria, to […]


The Taliban killed four troops in an IED attack in Kurram and three security personnel and a civilian in an IED attack in Hangu. The military killed three Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. Bajaur has been declared a “conflict free zone.”