Monthly Archives: April 2010

Iranians commence ‘Great Prophet 5’ war games

In the wake of a nuclear summit in Washington, D.C., and a counter-nuclear summit with various non-aligned nations in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran has begun a three-day military exercise in the Persian Gulf called “Great Prophet 5.” In the lead-up to the military exercise, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared that President Obama’s nuclear summit […]


Bombings in Baghdad and Khalidiyah killed 67 Iraqis and wounded hundreds more. Security forces detained al Qaeda’s military commander in Anbar, two al Qaeda leaders in Mosul, nine wanted men in Basrah, and four insurgents in Fallujah.


Nicolas Sarkozy ally ‘received death threats’ over Muslim veil ban


NATO is planning the process of turning over security to the Afghan security forces. The chief of the Independent Election Commission said elections would not be held in conflict zones. Five Haqqani Network fighters and two US soldiers were killed in a clash in Logar province; locals claimed those killed were civilians. Coalition and Afghan […]

67 killed in bombings in Baghdad and Anbar

The office of Iranian-backed anti-US cleric Muqtada al Sadr was the main target in Baghdad, while the homes of a judge and police officers were bombed outside of Ramadi. Iraqi forces detained al Qaeda’s military commander in Anbar.


Afghanistan – Taleban rift ignites power struggle over who controls the insurgency


US military, diplomats at odds over how to resolve Kandahar’s electricity woes

United States

A West African man, reported to be on the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment list, was escorted off a flight from Abuja, Nigeria, to JFK Airport in New York. The Gambian citizen had been added to the no-fly list while the flight was in the air. Zazi co-conspirator Zarein Ahmedzay is planning to plead guilty in […]


Tehran agreed to better monitoring by the IAEA for new enrichment sites. President Mugabe of Zimbabwe voiced support for Iran’s nuclear program. Iran began day two of its “Great Prophet 5” war games.


A French tourist and his Algerian driver have been kidnapped by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in northern Niger, near the border of Mali and Algeria. They were seized near Tiguidan Tessoun. The tourist had not declared his travel itinerary to security forces. The French government is investigating the abduction.


Pakistan – ‘Jihadi channels™ opened to secure release of former ISI spies

Iraqi forces detained al Qaeda’s ‘Ruler of Baghdad’

Manaf Abdulrehim al Rawi had been appointed the emir of the Iraqi capital in 2008 by the recently slain leader of the Islamic State of Iraq. Rawi’s detention several weeks ago helped lead to the deaths of al Qaeda’s top two leaders in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al Masri and Abu Omar al Baghdadi.


Thirty-five Taliban and one soldier were killed in fighting in Arakzai and Swat. The Taliban killed three tribesmen in Arakzai and a politician in Charsadda. The military killed a woman during mortar strikes in Khyber. The government closed two hospitals and 177 health clinics in North Waziristan.


Ethiopian forces ejected Shabaab from the district of Elberde after the terror group took control just two days ago; a curfew has been imposed. Puntland security forces detained five suspects involved in an attempt to assassinate President Sharif. Pirates threatened to blow up a South Korean oil tanker. Five pirates were captured after attacking a […]


Lethal targeting in Iraq; Success on an unprecedented scale

Al Qaeda

South Park episode featuring the Prophet Muhammad blocked by network


Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Basrah and Mosul, three al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad and another in Kirkuk, a Jaish Mujahideen mufti in Anbar, and several Hezbollah Brigades weapons smugglers in Wasit. Insurgents killed a civilian in Jalawlaa.


Secretary of State Clinton said the US has been “given assurances by the new leadership in Kyrgyzstan that the United States will retain access to the Manas air base.” The deputy leader of the interim government said a constitutional referendum will be held on June 27 and parliamentary elections on October 10.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed and captured an unspecified number of Taliban fighters in Helmand and Kandahar. The Afghan Consultative Peace Jirga was postponed due to a scheduling conflict with President Kazai’s trip to the US.