Monthly Archives: April 2010

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s propaganda branch, Al Andalus Media, has released a recruitment video. Al Qaeda leaders such as al Libi, bin Laden, and Zawahiri give speachs as Muslims, such as Boko Haram, are shown being executed or beaten. The video shows young jihadists speaking about their training and an attack near the […]


Iran strikes secret nuclear mining deal with Zimbabwe’s Mugabe regime

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda in Iraq has confirmed that its top two leaders were killed during an April 18 raid by Iraqi and US forces. The sharia minister for the Islamic State of Iraq confirmed their deaths in a statement released over the Internet.


A US airstrike killed seven Taliban fighters in North Waziristan. The military killed 20 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban killed four policemen and bombed 12 NATO tankers in Mianwali and wounded 10 policemen in a suicide attack in Dir.


Photos have been released of the French and Algerian nationals abducted by elements of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb near Inabangaret, Niger. Michel Germaneau is retired and president of an association in northern Niger. Ouaghi Abidin is from Tamanrasset, the location of the new joint anti-terror headquarters for Saharan states. AQIM has not yet […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq confirmed that its top two leaders were killed on April 18. Insurgents killed three civilians in Mosul and an Awakening fighter in Diyala. Securit forces detained 15 wanted terrorists in Al Kut, 12 wanted men in Basrah, and two more in Mosul.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 23 Taliban fighters in Kunduz province. The governor of Kunduz said 100 foreign fighters have entered Kunduz. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Farah. An explosion that killed a US and Afghan soldier at an Afghan army base on April 19 was caused by a suicide […]


Iran has offered amnesty to members of Jundallah. The US has called for the immediate release of three American hikers detained after crossing the border from Iraq. The IRGC claimed it is testing four new anti-ship missiles during current military exercises in the Gulf.


The Taliban took credit for an ambush that killed eight soldiers in North Waziristan. The Taliban also beheaded four “US spies” in North Waziristan. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Arakzai.


Shabaab claimed it took control of the town of Eldere. Ethiopian troops in Elberde freed 15 Muslim clerics suspected of being allied with Shabaab. The US brought 11 Somalis to America to try them for piracy and other crimes after they attacked US warships.


US clears 2nd Navy SEAL in Iraqi abuse case


Afghanistan – Behind the veil: An intimate journey into the lives of Kandahar’s women