Monthly Archives: April 2010

Al Qaeda

Extremists to be ousted from Pakistan™s tribal belt within two months, general says


Security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters in clashes in Arakzai and Kurram, and killed six Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber. The Taliban destroyed four schools in Mohmand and Arakzai. France is delaying a $1.6 billion weapons sale to Pakistan.


Iraqi forces killed three top al Qaeda leaders, including the emirs of northern Iraq and Mosul, and detained three extortion emirs; 19 other al Qaeda operatives were captured in northern Iraq. Security forces also detained 16 wanted men in Basrah, 10 in Karbala, and five more in Tal Afar. Twenty-three terrorists escaped from a prison […]


Indian troops killed eight terrorists during fighting over the past two days in the Rajouri region in Kashmir. The eight Lashkar-e-Taiba fighters infiltrated from Pakistan-held Kashmir. A bomb blast on a train track in the Pulwama district disrupted service.


Security forces identified one of the two Black Widow female suicide bombers who struck the Moscow metro on March 29 as the 17-year-old widow of Umalat Magomedov, the former leader of the sharia court in Dagestan. Magomedov was killed during a raid in Dagestan on Dec. 31, 2009.


Three German soldiers and a Taliban fighter were killed during heavy fighting in Kunduz. A Japanese journalist was kidnapped in Kunduz. Coalition and Afghan forces detained two Taliban fighters in Kandahar.


Two arrested after fight breaks out over praying in former Spanish mosque


Enduring army role in Swat spurs questions about Pakistan’s civilian government


An Iranian envoy called for further negotiations on its nuclear program while in Beijing. Tehran hosted two Shia Iraqi political delegates. Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton criticized the Obama administration’s Iran policy.


Illegal madrassas: A breeding ground of terror


The military killed 28 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Police detained two Taliban operatives in Swat. Mehsud tribal leaders agreed to return to South Waziristan; tribal leaders held talks with the Taliban. A Taliban spokesman said the group would continue to attack those who support the US.


Pakistan – S. Waziristan tribes ready to return after Taliban offensive


US – Special Forces in Iraq to remain through drawdown