Monthly Archives: April 2010


‘Insurgents enter Afghanistan from Pak™s borders™: governor of Kunar province


The second female Black Widow suicide bomber who carried out the March 29 attack in Moscow’s metro has been identified as a teacher from Dagestan. A bomb placed on a railway track derailed a freight train. Two bombs placed in an Orthodox cemetery in Ingushetia were defused.


Security forces killed 40 Taliban fighters after they attacked a military outpost and a convoy in separate attacks. Twenty-eight Taliban fighters surrendered to security forces and vowed to remain loyal to the state. The Taliban bombed a school in Mohmand.


Seventeen people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and the pro-government Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a militia in Rage Ele; both sides claimed victory. Pirates hijacked a South Korean tanker with a crew of 24 and freed two Indian ships with 26 sailors.


Forty-one Iraqis were killed and more than 250 were wounded in a triple suicide attack that targeted the Egyptian, Iranian, and German embassies in Baghdad. No foreign embassy personnel were reported killed. Three Iraqis were killed and 37 were wounded in a car bomb attack in Mosul.

Afghanistan’s president threatens ‘to join the Taliban’

Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s beleaguered president, fired yet another shot over the bow of the West during a meeting with members of the Afghan parliament. From The New York Times: At the meeting, Mr. Karzai stepped up his anti-Western statements, according to a Parliament member who attended but spoke on condition of anonymity. “If you and […]


President Karzai again attacked the West for its involvement in Afghanistan and threatened to join the Taliban. The Taliban killed three policemen, two civilians, and a British soldier in attacks in Helmand. Afghan and Coalition forces captured a Haqqani Network facilitator and an undisclosed number of Taliban fighters in Paktia, Kandahar, and Helmand.


An Iranian nuclear scientist who defected to the US after disappearing in Saudi Arabia last year said the CIA’s efforts to disrupt the program have showed progress. The current sanctions regime have had no impact on Iran’s bottom line. A former vice president and opposition leader has been re-arrested.


Islamists killed seven security contractors and one soldier during an ambush in Kabylie, near Bejaia. The security guards were killed when their vehicle came under fire, and a remotely detonated bomb killed one soldier and wounded two others investigating the attack. The security guards are contracted by Sonelgaz.


Thirty Taliban fighters and six Frontier Corps troops were killed during clashes in Arakzai. Eight criminals and three policemen were killed in a shootout in Khyber. Security forces established 16 checkpoints in Peshawar to block the Taliban from entering the region.


Al Qaeda fighters disguised as US troops murdered 25 people, including soldiers, Awakening fighters, and women, in a nighttime attack in Arab Jabour. Insurgents killed four people in bombings in Baghdad and Kirkuk. Police captured an al Qaeda operative in Fallujah.


A top Hizbul Islam leader welcomed Osama bin Laden and urged foreign jihadists to fight in Somalia. More than 20 people were killed in fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab said it would capture Mogadishu.


President Ahmadinejad taunted the US and warned that sanctions will strengthen its nuclear program. Iran used a Chinese firm to obtain nuclear equipment. A senior cleric said Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful. The Iranian diplomat kidnapped in Pakistan held the US responsible.


German troops accidentally killed six Afghan soldiers in a friendly-fire incident in Kunduz. The Taliban killed a senior police official and a civilian in attacks in Kunduz. The upper chamber of parliament approved President Karzai’s decree that he would appoint the members of the election commission.


Pakistan – Orakzai operation will take a load off Peshawar, settled areas