Monthly Archives: April 2010


Mumbai gunmen ‘secretly buried in January’, India says


Security forces killed 14 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Police killed two suicide bombers in Peshawar. Both the US and UN closed their offices in Peshawar after the April 5 suicide attack on the US consulate.


Thirty-five Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings targeting residential areas in Baghdad. Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Basrah and Babil, 11 insurgents in Baghdad, 11 “infiltrators” from Syria west of Mosul, and three suicide bombers in Anbar.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 30 Taliban fighters in Badghis and six more in Logar; one Afghan soldier was also killed. A Taliban commander, a Haqqani Network subcommander, and an undisclosed number of fighters were detained in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Kunduz. Locals in Helmand claimed 25 civilians were killed in airstrikes on April 5. […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s leadership reportedly moved its military base temporarily from Yemen to Somalia. Sheikh Ali Mohamud Raghe “Ali Dhere”, the spokesman of Shabaab, swore that the group will capture Mogadishu before the European Union trained forces in Uganda reach the capital. Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a and Shabaab fought over the Mataban […]


Iran’s foreign spokesman said that Tehran is ready to renew negotiations. President Obama said that Iran and North Korea are “outliers” to his new nuclear posture review. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei called for “unity and harmony” among government figures in Tehran.

Al Qaeda

India – Pak-origin cab driver pleads not guilty to terror charges in Chicago court


A Taliban assault on the US consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of four attackers and two security guards. A suicide bomber killed more than 30 people in Dir and torched eight NATO fuel tankers in Khyber. The military killed 11 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Two former ISI officers and a journalist have been […]

Two former ISI officers missing in Pakistan’s northwest

Colonel Imam. Photo from the Irish Times. This is certainly interesting. Two of our favorite former officers from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency who have close ties to the Taliban and al Qaeda have gone missing in northwestern Pakistan. From Dawn: Two former officials of the premier intelligence agency, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), and a free […]


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and wounded 13 more in an attack on a police station in the town of Karabulak in Ingushetia. A second car bomb was detonated near the police station an hour later. YouTube removed Doku Umarov’s statement claiming credit for the Moscow metro suicide attacks.


Insurgents executed a family of four in Wasit and killed three policemen in Basrah and Ramadi, and a civilian in Mosul. Iraqi forces detained an al Qaeda operative in Baghdad.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar and captured two Taliban fighters and a Haqqani Network IED facilitator in Helmand and Khost. Two Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Wardak. The Taliban killed six people in attacks in Khost and Ghazni.


A foreign ministry spokesman said sanctions “will only boost Iran’s nuclear ambitions.” Russia is hopeful that a diplomatic solution for Iran’s nuclear program can be reached. Turkey’s prime minister rebuffed Germany’s call to join a sanctions regime. The IRGC may have obtained British speedboats that can be converted into fast attack craft.

Taliban assault on US consulate in Peshawar repelled

The terror assault team attempted to breach the outer wall and storm the consulate in the provincial capital, but was stopped by Pakistani security forces. In Dir, a suspected suicide bomber killed 30 people at a political gathering.