Monthly Archives: April 2010


Iran’s army chief said that Tehran will attack US troops in the Middle East if attacked. The United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, and China will meet in New York this month to discuss Iran’s nuclear program.


Erdogan calls Israel ‘principal threat’ to Middle East peace


ISAF statement regarding the release of footage of captured US soldier


Police captured five Taliban fighters, including two suspected suicide bombers, in Kabul. A Taliban commander and two of his bodyguards were killed in a premature detonation in Marja. Coalition and Afghan forces captured a Taliban IED facilitator, a Haqqani Network heavy weapons facilitator, and an undisclosed number of fighters in Kandahar and Wardak.

United States

A Qatari diplomat smoking on a flight from Washington DC to Denver was wrestled to the ground by air marshals after he quipped that he was lighting his shoes on fire. The flight was escorted to Denver by F-16 fighters. The Qatari will not be charged as he has diplomatic immunity.


The government of Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev has been overthrown by the opposition, led by Temir Sariyev. A provisional government has been formed and is being led by former foreign minister Roza Otunbayeva. More than 100 people were reported killed during the day’s fighting.

The Taliban

The Taliban released a videotape of Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, the US soldier who was captured in Paktika province in June 2009. Bergdahl pleaded for his release, while the Taliban proposed a prisoner swap with the US.


Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and two more in Hangu, and detained six in Dir. The Taliban killed a pro-government tribal leader in Hangu, torched a fuel tanker in Khyber, blew up three schools in Peshawar, and bombed 12 shops in Swat. The US will not sign a civilian nuclear pact with […]


The US said recent terror attacks in Baghdad would not slow down the military withdrawal. Security forces detained al Qaeda’s top two leaders in Mosul and 17 fighters in Mosul, Diyala, and Wasit; nine wanted men in Basrah and Dhi Qhar; and a Special Groups operative in Wasit.


Iraq: Another wave of terror, and the significance of what happens next…


An al Qaeda operative named Salah al Karawi criticized Hezbollah for preventing his group from attacking Israel and refraining from carrying out strikes of its own. He warned that al Qaeda may attack Hezbollah, the Lebanese Army, and UN peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon. Karawi is the number 35 on Saudi Arabia’s 85 most wanted […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb threatened to attack the World Cup games in South Africa. “How amazing could the match United States vs. Britain be when broadcasted live on air at a stadium packed with spectators when the sound of an explosion rumbles through the stands,” the AQIM statement read.


Security forces killed a Taliban fighter and detained two facilitators in Kunduz and Helmand. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. A suicide bomber killed a civilian in Nangarhar. Two top officials on the Afghan Independent Election Commission resigned.


Opposition protesters killed the interior minister; captured the deputy prime minister; stormed the state-run television station during a revolt in Bishkek and Talas; and overran the regional government in Naryn. Security forces have opened fire on protesters and killed at least 12 people. A state of emergency has been declared.


Army beating estimate on equipment drawdown from Iraq


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei offered support for President Ahmadinejad’s plan to cut federal subsidies to the economy. Ahmadinejad called President Obama an “inexperienced amateur” and criticized the new US nuclear force posture.


White House hints it might cancel Obama meeting with Afghan president next month


The Obama administration approved the targeted killing of Anwar al Awlaki, the mufti for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Awlaki is a US citizen and is believed to be hiding in Yemen. He has encouraged Muslims to conduct attacks in the US.