Monthly Archives: April 2010


Algeria is hosting a meeting of seven Maghreb countries in Algiers with the aim to “implement a collective strategy” in halting Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s illicit activities in the Sahara and Sahel. Additionally, they want to share information in the fight against transnational drug cartels that transport drugs through their countries. Due to […]


Nine people were killed in mortar and IED attacks in Mogadishu. Somalia’s top military commander said his forces are ready to launch the long-awaited offensive to oust Shabaab from the capital. Somali pirates hijacked a cargo ship near Seychelles.

The Zazi plot thickens…

The arrest of a fourth suspect in Pakistan in connection with the foiled New York City terror plot has revealed some unsettling details about Najibullah Zazi’s plan to attack the city’s transit system. Authorities have been tight-lipped about the Pakistani man who, according to officials, “may not ultimately be charged in connection with the plot,” […]


Shabaab fighters crossed the border from Somalia and attacked Kenyan troops stationed at Liboi with assault rifles and grenades. Kenyan troops repelled the attack and pursued Shabaab fighters across the border.


General Stanley McChrystal frustrated by Nato™s civilian death toll


Forty-one Taliban fighters and two Frontier Corps troops were killed in fighting in Arakzai. A US airstrike killed five Taliban fighters in North Waziristan. Six people were killed during clashes in Abbotabad over the renaming of the Northwest Frontier Province.


The father of radical al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki said his son “will cease his statements and speeches against” the US if he is removed from a list of targeted terrorists. Yemen said it is searching for Awlaki but has not been given information on his activities. The chief of the Awlaki tribe denied […]


A suicide bomber killed a policeman and a civilian in Mosul. Two soldiers were killed in a car bombing in Abu Ghraib. Security forces detained seven al Qaeda fighters in Kirkuk, and seven wanted men in Basrah and five more near Mosul. Prime Minister Maliki denied reports that his party had formed a coalition with […]

Al Qaeda

Afghanistan – ‘No collusion’ between Taliban and aid hospital

Al Qaeda

Saudi Arabia – Government warns of al Qaeda elements disguising themselves as journalists


ISAF troops accidentally killed four Afghan civilians in an escalation of force incident in Kandahar. A suicide assault team was defeated while attacking an intelligence headquarters in Kandahar; two bombers were killed and another was captured. Security forces detained a Haqqani Network IED facilitator and a Taliban IED facilitator and an undisclosed number of fighters […]


Iran’s envoy to the IAEA questioned the objectivity of the nuclear watchdog. US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran has not yet assembled a nuclear weapon but that it would be difficult to verify. Russia’s president said he would not support sanctions that target Iran’s oil exports.

Father of Taliban endorses LWJ

The Long War Journal has received a compliment from one of the most unlikely sources. General (Retired) Mirza Aslam Beg, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff from 1988-1991, said that the depiction of the Taliban provided by The Long War Journal is spot on. Here is what General Beg had to say in his column, which […]


Security forces killed Taliban fighters in Arakzai. “Gunmen” killed two policemen in Mardan; one policeman’s throat was slit. Investigators believe one of the three terrorists killed during the assault on the US Consulate in Peshawar was a Yemeni member of al Qaeda.