Monthly Archives: April 2010


UN blames Musharraf government for Benazir Bhutto™s murder


The US designated the two leaders of the Karachi-based Al Akhtar Trust and the Al Rashid Trust as terrorists for their support for al Qaeda and the Taliban. The Khyber-based Lashkar-i-Islam said it would hold talks with the government. The Northwest Frontier Province was officially renamed as Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.


Somalia’s Al Shabab recruits ‘holy warriors’ with $400 bonus


Russian security forces release hitlist of ‘black widow terrorists’


Pakistan army anger at Nato border tactics after forcing militants out


Insurgents killed five civilians in Mosul. The decayed bodies of 14 executed civilians were found in a grave in Samarra. Iraqi forces detained 11 al Qaeda operatives just north of Baghdad and 23 wanted men in Basrah.


The US airbase in Manas has been reopened to supply US forces in Afghanistan after being shut down due to the overthrow of the government on April 7. The interim defense minister said Manas is vital to NATO’s efforts in Afghanistan. Deposed President Bakiyev has fled to Kazakhstan.

Gates adopts 26 Fort Hood panel recommendations


A suicide bomber killed seven British security contractors in Kandahar. The Taliban killed four Germans during an ambush in Baghlan province. Coaition and Afghan forces killed a Taliban commander in Helmand and detained an IED expert in Nangarhar. Residents in Marja complained that the security situation has worsened since Afghan and Coalition forces took control […]


The US is willing to consider a weaker regimen of sanctions on Iran. Top US military leaders said Iran could have nuclear fuel for a weapons program in a year and a nuclear weapon in 2-5 years. A Pentagon report said that Iran has the military resources to barricade the Persian Gulf. The UN Security […]


A US strike in North Waziristan killed five Taliban fighters. Taliban commander Qari Zia Rahman spoke to the media to dispel reports of his death and also said Hakeemullah Mehsud is alive. Security forces detained 29 tribal elders in Bajaur for failing to keep out the Taliban.


Eleven people were killed in fighting in Mogadishu; a man was also beheaded. Insurgents warned private radio stations to stop playing music in Mogadishu. Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a fighters have taken control of a district in the Middle Shabelle region from Shabaab. President Barack Obama announced an executive order blocking Shabaab’s assets in the US.


Insurgents killed a police brigadier, a soldier, two civilians, and a Sunni imam in attacks in Baghdad and Mosul. Security forces detained 13 insurgents in Kirkuk and an al Qaeda operative southeast of Baghdad.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Iraqi officials said security forces averted a plot by al Qaeda in Iraq to fly airplanes into buildings, possibly including the Shia Imam Ali shrine in Najaf. Two men, a pilot and an airport worker, were arrested, while the Najaf airport remains closed since April 8.