Monthly Archives: April 2010


The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Khost. The UN confirmed that five Afghan workers were abducted in Baghlan. Security forces detained two Taliban commanders and an undisclosed number of fighter sin Helmand, Kandahar, and Ghazni. General McChrystal said there are signs the Taliban receive training in Iran.


The deputy leader of the interim government said the continued use of the Manas airbase for resupplying Afghanistan “is not justified” as the US supported former President Bakiyev and ignored the opposition. “All the Americans care about is that the military base stays. They forgot about freedom, about democratic values.”


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei President said the US is the only nation to use nukes and turned Israel into “an arsenal with huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons.” Ahmadinejad called for the US and other nuclear-armed states to be banned from the IAEA. Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq backed Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s Armed Forces Chief […]


US intelligence is skeptical that Syria transferred Scud missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Senior American officials said the “intent” to transfer the long-range missiles, which can strike anywhere in Israel, was there but it does not appear the weapons were delivered.


UN™s Bhutto report says what Pakistanis already know about spy agency and army

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has released the Italian couple that has been held since Dec. 18, 2009, when the couple was abducted in southeast Mauritania. Sergio Cicala and his wife, Philomene Kaboure, were handed over to Malian authorities in the eastern Gao region. AQIM still holds two Spanish aid workers, who were kidnapped […]

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda recruiter addressed Sydney mosque youngsters from Yemen in 2009


Police in Sylhet detained a British man for his involvement with the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al Islami. Gholam Mostafa is the leader of HUJI’s branch in Britain. He is thought to have ties to Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed.


A suicide bomber killed 10 Pakistanis, including a journalist and senior police officials, in a hospital in Quetta. A US strike in North Waziristan killed six Taliban fighters. The Taliban killed two tribal leaders in Swat. Security forces detained eight Taliban fighters in Bajaur.


Prime Minister Maliki said the rival Iraqiya party must be included in the next government. Insurgents killed an Iraqi singer in Baghdad. Security forces detained 37 wanted men in Jalawlaa and 16 more in Basrah, five Mahdi Army fighters north of Baghdad, and four al Qaeda operatives in Mosul.


Tensions over renamed Pakistan province overshadow government reforms


Troops killed three Abu Sayyaf fighters during operations near Isabela City and dismantled a bomb in Barangay Upper Maligue. The military said more than 50 foreign fighters from Jemaah Islamiyah are fighting with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

Zazi’s imam gets the boot

Ahmad Wais Afzali. Image from The New York Daily News. Ahmad Wais Afzali, the Queens imam who has pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his connection in the Najibullah Zazi case, has been ordered to leave the US within 90 days as a term of his plea deal with prosecutors. The plea spared […]

United States

Imam Ahmad Afzali will be ordered to leave the country in 90 days but will avoid jail time for lying to the FBI. Afzali gave false statements to law enforcement officers after tipping off would-be suicide bomber Najibullah Zazi that police were investigating him. Zazi and two others were plotting to carry out bombings in […]


Five UN workers have gone missing in Baghlan province. Seven Taliban fighters and a policeman were killed in clashes in Farah. Coalition and Afghan forces killed three Taliban fighters and detained an undisclosed number of fighters in Kandahar and Helmand. The US is increasing the number of counterterrorism teams in Afghanistan.


Malaysia cut off Iran’s gasoline supplies. The five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany accelerated negotiations on a new round of sanctions against Iran. Ex-president Khatami has been barred from leaving Iran.