Monthly Archives: January 2010


The US, Russia, France, Britain, and Germany are expecting China to get on board with a tougher sanctions regimen on Iran. The government is planning on placing new limits on cash withdrawals for citizens.

The Mehsud tribe will not hand over Hakeemullah

Hakeemullah Mehsud, left. AFP photo. Be sure to take the customary mega-dose of salt that is required when reading about reports of “peace agreements” in Pakistan’s tribal areas. The Mehsud tribe has agreed, at the deadline, to a seven-point list of demands thrust upon it by the government. According to the Press Trust of India […]


What’s behind Christian-Muslim fighting in Nigeria?

SecDef defines AQAM

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates neatly describes what al Qaeda and allied movements, or AQAM, is during his visit to India. From The Washington Post: In a press conference after two days of meetings with Indian officials, the Pentagon chief said al-Qaeda had formed a “syndicate” of terrorist groups with Taliban factions in Afghanistan […]


A tribal militia killed a Taliban commander and four fighters in Mohmand. The Taliban wounded a member of the provincial parliament and four others in a bombing in Peshawar. Two flights from Karachi received bomb threats.


A suicide bomber wounded 36 people, including 18 soldiers and five policemen, in an attack at a base in Mosul. An insurgent killed a policeman in a bombing in Mosul. Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Basrah, three members of an IED cell in Baqubah, and two al Qaeda leaders behind recent attacks in […]


The military bombed the home of an al Qaeda operative said to have been killed in an airstrike last week. Both the US and the UN added Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to their lists of terrorist entities. Thirty-six former American prisoners are thought to have joined al Qaeda in Yemen.


Suspect in Afghanistan shooting is removed from NY courtroom after outburst

Al Qaeda

US officials admit to intelligence failures in connection with bomb plot

Dutch far-right MP in court over anti-Islam comments


Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban facilitator and five fighters, and detained two more fighters during operations in Kandahar, Kunduz, and Logar provinces. The Taliban killed a road worker in an IED attack in Paktika province. The government plans to more than double the size of the security forces to 400,000 personnel by 2015.

Tehran tests the Monroe Doctrine

Jamsheed and Carol Choksy of Indiana University wrote an insightful piece in RealClear Politics this morning addressing Tehran’s investment in leftist governments in South America. Their conclusion reinforces the belief that Iran is projecting a preponderance of power globally to put US and other Western allies in a bind. The Latin American angle is especially […]


Tehran rejected the IAEA’s plan to ship uranium abroad. US intelligence agencies corrected policy statements on Iran’s nuclear program made in the 2007 NIE report. More than 40 protesters were arrested by police, on the basis of photographs taken at protests.


Police arrested Mohammad Abdul Khwaja, the south India chief of of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, during a raid in Hyderabad. Khwaja, who also goes by the name Amjad, is believed to be involved in terror attacks in Hyderabad, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Jaipur, and Ahmedabad.