Monthly Archives: January 2010

United States

Abdulhakim Muhammad has pled guilty to murdering a US soldier and wounding another outside a recruiting center in Little Rock, Ark., on June 1, 2009. In a letter, Muhammad claimed he is a member of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the attack was “justified according to Islamic Laws and the Islamic Religion. Jihad […]


The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in an IED attack. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Taliban facilitator and an undisclosed number of fighters in Kandahar and Logar. The government banned ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer used in IEDs. ISAF will further tighten the rules of engagement on night raids.

Al Qaeda leader in Turkey captured

Abu-Zar-thumb.jpgAbu Zar was planning to conduct attacks against Turkish forces in Afghanistan. Turkey has rounded up more than 150 suspected al Qaeda operatives and supporters during raids nationwide this week.

Shabaab looks to the Somali North

The al Qaeda-linked group has initiated a terror campaign in Puntland and has threatened to take over the semi-autonomous region and the breakaway republic of Somaliland.


Russia’s foreign minister said that his country “regrets Iran’s rejection of the UN nuclear deal.” Iranian students boycotted school exams in protest of last summer’s election. Parliament speaker Larijani argued that the US fueled Israel’s war in Gaza last year.

US offers unarmed UAVs to Pakistan

During his current visit to Pakistan, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates offered to supply its military with 12 RQ-7 Shadow unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, often referred to as drones). The Shadow is unarmed. From the American Forces Press Service: Gates declined to discuss drone activities directly, but offered, “I will say that these unmanned […]


The Army said it would not launch any new offensives against the Taliban this year. The US may have killed a wanted Abu Sayyaf operative in an airstrike on Jan. 14 in North Waziristan. The military killed eight Taliban fighters in Mohmand. The Taliban killed three tribal elders in Bajaur.


Turkish security forces reportedly captured a senior leader of al Qaeda in Turkey. Serdar Elbasa, who is known as Abu Zar, was among 30 al Qaeda operatives detained during an operation in Ankara. Elbassa fought in Chechnya and had recruited Chechens, Azeris, and Georgians in his organization.


Security forces killed a suicide bomber west of Mosul and detained 14 wanted men in Basrah, three al Qaeda leaders in Wasit and a financier in Ninewa, and two insurgents in Fallujah. Insurgents killed a policeman in Babil. The head of Diwaniyah’s security committee gave Ba’athists one week to surrender their weapons.


Shabaab top leader Ahmed Abdi Godane threatened to attack neighboring Kenya following a crackdown on Somalis in the capital Nairobi. Kenya has arrested 2,000 Somali immigrants in Nairobi, including two army generals, 11 members of parliament, and other officials of the Transitional Federal Government, and has deployed more troops near the border between the two […]


US ambassador puts brakes on plan to utilize Afghan militias against Taliban


Fifteen Taliban fighters were killed in an airstrike in Badghis on Jan. 20. Afghan and coalition forces killed and captured an undisclosed number of Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters during raids in Ghazni, Kandahar, Khost, and Kunduz. ISAF and a district police chief said four Taliban fighters were killed in the Ghazni raid; locals claimed […]


The war against the infidels: Terrorism is only one of the weapons

Political correctness has run amok in the US military

There seems to be a clear double standard at work in the US military’s information operations; it is apparently perfectly okay, even requisite, to mention the enemy’s religion when we are apologizing for some slight or error, but it is almost always verboten when reporting on the enemy’s actions against us in the name of […]


Pakistan – Securing South Waziristan could take a year: army

No new offensives against the Taliban this year: Pakistani Army

“We are not going to conduct any major new operations against the militants over the next 12 months” as the military is “overstretched,” the top Pakistani military spokesman said. The government has also agreed to a peace deal with the Mehsud tribes in South Waziristan.