Monthly Archives: January 2010


Insurgents killed two civilians and a policeman in attacks in Fallujah, Mosul, and Baghdad. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah and six insurgents in Jalawlaa. The US Marines have completed their withdrawal from Anbar province.


President Ahmadinejad threatened that Iran would soon enrich its own nuclear fuel. Human Rights Watch said Iran’s post-election crackdown was a “human rights disaster.” An Iranian general said the US is on the verge of experiencing a “collapse” in the Middle East.


A court in Garowe, the capital of Puntland, has sentenced to death a man who confessed to be a Shabaab operative planning to carry out attacks in Puntland and the breakaway republic of Somaliland. He also confessed that he was a photographer and used his profession to smuggle explosives in the regions. Shabaab recruited about […]


A suicide bomber killed three civilians and a policeman in Tank. Twenty-two Taliban fighters and two soldiers were killed in clashes in Kurram and Arakzai. The Taliban destroyed a NATO fuel tanker in Peshawar.


Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Helmand and a Taliban commander in Badghis, and captured two Taliban facilitators in southern Afghanistan. The Taliban killed two Coalition soldiers, three women, and a child in attacks, and kidnapped a district police chief and two officers in Kunar.


Insurgents killed an adviser to the interior ministry and two policemen in Baghdad. Security forces detained six members of al Qaeda bomb cells in Hit and Baqubah, two al Qaeda fighters and two insurgents in Kirkuk, and a senior member of the Promised Day Brigade in Baghdad.


Shabaab and Hizbul Islam have captured the strategic town of Beledweyne after battling with the pro-government militia Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama™a, and have looted the offices of the UN health agency WHO and Save the Children. A bomb blast targeted the center of Bosasso in Puntland while the police were conducting search operations in the […]


Russia said it would complete the Bushehr nuclear reactor this year. “2010 is the year of Bushehr,” the chief of the Rosatom state nuclear corporation said. Parliament Speaker Larijani said a US cyberwar against Iran would be futile.


Increased security checks at US airports slammed as racial profiling

Al Qaeda

Justice task force recommends about 50 Guantanamo detainees be held indefinitely


Shabaab denied it threatened to attack Kenya and said a recording posted on the Internet was a fake. At least eight people were killed when insurgents from Hizbul Islam and Shabaab took Beledweyne town in central Somalia from pro-government militia Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a. A kidnapped British couple said pirates set a “deadline” for their […]


Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Swat, three in South Waziristan, and two more in North Waziristan, and detained nine Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber. The Taliban warned the Mehsud tribes not to return to their homes in South Waziristan as fighting is still ongoing.


Police today arrested 120 suspected al Qaeda operatives and supporters during raids in 16 provinces, and on Jan. 18 detained the group’s leader and 30 others. Police also detained 60 suspected members of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) during operations in four southern provinces.


The US released two Algerians, Hasan Zemiri and Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin Hamlili, from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility in Cuba and returned them to Algeria. “The United States coordinated with the government of Algeria to ensure the transfers took place under appropriate security measures,” a Justice Department statement said.