Monthly Archives: January 2010


The Taliban said NATO’s reconciliation efforts and attempts to pay off its fighters will not work. The UN removed five former Taliban officials from the terrorist watch list. The Taliban killed five policemen in Zabul and three shopkeepers in Khost. Afghan forces detained two Taliban fighters in Helmand.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda’s front organization in Iraq, took credit for the Jan. 25 suicide attacks that targeted three hotels in central Baghdad. The “fourth thunderous wave,” a reference to the fourth mass-casualty suicide strike since August 2009, was designed to demonstrate that foreigners are not safe in Baghdad.

Taliban now officially deny PayPal fundraising

Remember the back and forth on the Taliban’s PayPal donations page? Well, there’s a new twist. The PayPal page itself is still in operation as of this post, but now, the Taliban have issued an official denial (Arabic – Google English – PDF at non-terrorist site): Inform you that he does not have a note […]


Ayatollah Khamenei remarked that he is confident in the destruction of Israel, during a meeting with Mauritanian President Aziz. Two German diplomats have been detained in Tehran. Israeli President Peres said that Iran is a “danger to the world.”


A Shabaab suicide bomber wearing an explosive jacket disguised himself as one of the patients and targeted the Halane clinic inside an African Union base in Mogadishu™s airport, killing seven people; the initial report indicated the explosion was caused by a mortar. At least five people were killed in fighting between insurgents and the Ahlu […]


Iraq militants using new tactics to foil security


The military killed 15 Taliban fighters in the Kurram tribal agency. Tribesmen in North Waziristan claimed to have shot down a second US Predator. The Taliban rewarded a man who claimed to have shot down the first. Former ISI officer Colonel Imam said Mullah Omar is open to negotiations.


A court sentenced seven al Qaeda fighters to prison sentences ranging from five to 10 years for attacking foreign and local targets. Houthi rebels fighting in Yemen’s North claimed to have withdrawn from a series of villages across the border in Saudi Arabia.


A suicide bomber killed 18 Iraqis in an attack on a police forensics lab in Baghdad. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Basrah, four al Qaeda operatives in Karbala, and two more in Mosul. A court sentenced a former member of parliament to death for terrorism-related charges.


The Taliban killed four policemen in an attack on a checkpoint in Helmand and wounded six people in a bombing outside Camp Phoenix in Kabul. Afghan intelligence detained a Haqqani Network commander involved in last week’s suicide assault in Kabul. Germany will send 500 additional troops as part of the surge.


Britain, Japan to help reintegrate Taliban foot soldiers


Iran sought the extradition of Americans and Israelis over a scientist’s murder. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said world must learn from Holocaust and referenced Iran’s denial.

The Eikenberry memos on Afghanistan

US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry. The New York Times has dropped a bombshell by publishing Ambassador Karl Eikenberry’s memos that were written in early November that explained his opposition to the ‘surge’ of 30,000 US forces in Afghanistan. According to Eikenberry, who served as the top commander in Afghanistan for an 18-month stint that […]