Monthly Archives: January 2010


Ahlu Sunnah Wal-Jama fighters have reportedly recaptured Dhusamareb after battling with Shabaab; the death toll reached 47 during two days of fighting. Shabaab beheaded two men when they seized the town yesterday. The Shabaab operative who tried to kill a Danish cartoonist had previously been detained in Kenya for allegedly helping to plot an attack […]


Chicago immigration agency a front for terror plot, federal probers allege


Body of fifth UK hostage ‘to be handed over soon’


General Petraeus said US intelligence indicates that former hostage Peter Moore was held in Iran. The foreign minister issued an “ultimatum” to the West to accept its proposal to swap nuclear fuel. Iran is considering downgrading diplomatic ties with Britain.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda’s front group, claimed responsibility for the Dec. 30, 2009, suicide attack in Ramadi that killed a member of the Anbar provincial council and 23 others. The attack was “a divine blow” against “the criminal security apparatus,” the terror group said in a statement released on the Internet.


US military relies on Afghan police while working to clean them up


Afghan forces killed 25 Taliban fighters, including their commander, in Kunduz province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander in Wardak province. The Taliban denied it kidnapped two French journalists and three Afghans. A US UAV crashed in Paktika province.


The US and British embassies in Sana’a closed their doors after receiving intelligence of possible al Qaeda attacks. Britain has deployed counterterroism teams to Yemen to aid in the targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. More than 20 Britons are thought to have trained in Yemeni terror camps over the past several months.


Commanders: Iraq progress will continue in US drawdown year

Was the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban behind the CIA suicide attack?

Yesterday, Qari Hussain Mehsud, the notorious mastermind of suicide attacks in Pakistan, took credit for the suicide attack that hit the CIA base in Khost province, Afghanistan. Today, ABC News reported that the person who carried out the attack was an informant from North Waziristan, Pakistan: The informant was a Pakistani and a member of […]


Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Four Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in fighting in South Waziristan. Mullah Fazlullah’s driver surrendered to authorities in Swat. The Taliban bombed two schools and a health clinic in Bajaur.

Al Qaeda

MI5 knew of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab™s UK extremist links


The new Al-Qaeda chiefs bringing terror to the world


Insurgents killed two civilians and a soldier and wounded 24 more in attacks in Baghdad and Mosul. Security forces detained 22 wanted men in Basrah and the leader of an “armed group” in Karbala. Multinational Forces – Iraq and its subordinate commands has officially become US Forces – Iraq.


Shabaab has reportedly seized control of Dhusamareb, the strategic capital of Galgadud region north of Mogadishu. Hundreds of Shabaab fighters completed military training with a public ceremony in Mogadishu. Top Shabaab officials were present, including Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Ali Abu Mansur. Shabaab hailed the attack by a Somali on a Danish cartoonist. A British-flagged cargo […]


The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Nimroz. Afghan forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained eight more in Zabul, and detained 19 more in Farah. Coalition and Afghan forces detained an undisclosed number of Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in Wardak, Zabul, Khost, and Kabul.