Monthly Archives: January 2010


The Taliban killed four children during an IED attack that targeted Coalition forces in Nangarhar province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander and two fighters in Kunduz province, and detained an undisclosed number of Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in Kandahar and Khost provinces.


The Yemeni military arrested three members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and four others who sheltered them during a raid in the Arhab district in northern Sana’a. The US has halted the transfer of Yemeni al Qaeda detainees being held at Gitmo.

Lax security at Amsterdam airport?

A trusted colleague who lives in Europe sent me the following report yesterday about his experiences flying into Amsterdam: I just flew into Amsterdam airport yesterday and was shocked by the laxity of the passport check. The officer did not even look at me. Just grabbed my passport, quickly flipped to a page, not looking […]


A suicide bomber killed seven policemen and wounded 20 other people in an attack outside Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan. Policemen in a jeep rammed the suicide bomber’s car before it could reach a police station, but the bomber was able to detonate his explosives.


Satellite imagery shows Iran shielding its nuclear infrastructure with a maze of tunnels. The Chinese ambassador to the United Nations said more sanctions on Iran are a bad idea. Iran and Turkmenistan agreed to launch a new gas pipeline.


The Taliban desecrated the grave of a religious leader and destroyed six Shia shrines in Arakzai, and bombed a school in Bajaur. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in South Waziristan and Swat. The Army claimed 80 percent of Mohmand has been cleared.


US ‘spy work™ lacking in Afghanistan: NATO official

CIA suicide bomber promised Zawahiri

After days of rumors swirling around the identity of the suicide bomber who killed seven CIA agents and a Jordanian intelligence official on Combat Outpost Chapman in Khost province on Dec. 30, the mystery seems to have been solved. The Jordanian intelligence agent recruited a Jordanian doctor who was a known jihadist. The bomber provided […]

Abu Sayyaf releases son of former Philippine mayor


At least 11 people were killed by artillery fire in Mogadishu. A gunman killed a member of the local parliament in Puntland. Puntland security forces foiled a bombing in Bosaso port. A ship unloaded tanks for the Somali government in the port of Mogadishu. “Government troops are ready to launch a major operation against insurgents […]


Clashes near the Mali border between Niger authorities and an unidentified group have left nine gunmen, seven Niger soldiers, and a civilian dead. The authorities captured vehicles, guns, and ammunition. The clashes come days after two gunmen were killed by authorities. The crackdown on rebels and bandits was prompted by the attempted kidnapping of six […]


Iraqi security forces killed two al Qaeda operatives and detained 21 more in Mosul, and captured 13 wanted men in Basrah and Kirkuk. Iraq’s cabinet ratified four major oil field deals. General Dynamics will build 140 M1A1 tanks for the Iraqi Army.


Iran accepted Secretary of State Clinton’s non-deadline on continuing nuclear negotiations. Iran’s interior minister warned opposition activists that they risk execution as “enemies of God” if they continue anti-government demonstrations. The Esfandiar oil field awaits finance approval from Qatar’s National Bank.


Yemeni security forces have launched operations against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the capital of Sana’a, as well is in the provinces of Shabwa, Marib, and Abyan. Five suspected al Qaeda fighters have been detained. The US reopened its embassy in Sana’a.


Fourteen Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation as they planted explosives on a minibus in Kunduz province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in southern Afghanistan and two more in Laghman province. The Taliban killed a policeman in Ghazni province.