Monthly Archives: January 2010


More than 20 Somalis were reported killed in shelling in Mogadishu. The chief of Somalia’s Army survived an assassination attempt in Mogadishu. Shabaab denied it was trying to extort money from the World Food Program.


Seven Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings that targeted police and a lawyer in Hit in Anbar province; another Iraqi was killed in a bombing in Khanaqin. Security forces detained three wanted men in Mosul. A member of parliament denied Iraq released Qais Qazali.


Police killed two suspected insurgents during a counterterrorism operation targeting the terrorists behind the Jan. 6 suicide attack that killed six policemen outside Makhachkala. The two men were killed by police after barricading themselves in a home.


A suicide bomber killed nine civilians, including four children, in an attack at a market in Paktia. The Taliban killed three policemen in Uruzgan, and wounded the governor of Khost and six others. Afghan and coalition forces detained three Taliban commanders and an undisclosed number of fighters in raids in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Wardak.


General Petraeus puts Al Qaeda threat in Yemen in perspective

Taliban’s Number 2: ‘You leave, we (might) talk’

The Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press news agency has published an e-mail interview with the second-in-command of Afghanistan’s Taliban, Mullah Baradar Akhund (a hat tip to Juan Cole at the Informed Comment blog for sharing the US Government’s Open Source Center’s translation of the story). In addition to the usual “we’re winning, we’re going to keep […]


Pakistan: Taliban brainwashes kids with visions of virgins

Dawood Ibrahim, al Qaeda, and the ISI

Mafia and terror kingpin Dawood Ibrahim. The Congressional Research Service has issued a solid report on the nexus between criminal syndicates and terrorist groups. Entitled “International Terrorism and Transnational Crime: Security Threats, U.S. Policy, and Considerations for Congress,” the report has a section devoted to Dawood Ibrahim, the criminal don of South Asia. The report […]


Dawood is a terrorist, has ‘strategic alliance’ with ISI, says US

Al Qaeda

Jordanian bomber™s path remains a mystery to his family


Yemen says bomb suspect may have met radical cleric

Indonesian police recognize connection between illegal immigration and terrorism

Thai PM pledges to pacify insurgency


Six Coptic Christians and one security guard were killed and three other persons were injured during a Coptic Christmas midnight Mass in the town of Nag Hamadi, 40 miles from Luxor. The gunmen sprayed the crowd with an automatic weapon from their vehicle as Mass ended. It is suspected that the attack came as retaliation […]

Sahara Emirate

An offshoot of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, dubbed the Sahara Emirate, has released a propaganda video. The leader is a former member of AQIM, and the group is made up mostly of young Mauritanians. The group claims to operate in Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, and Morocco, and is suspected of being behind the kidnapping […]


An engineer working for the Canadian corporation SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. was kidnapped by five armed gunmen on the way to work. The abducted engineer was forced into the car of the gunmen in Djebahia, 150km from Algiers. The engineer was working on a water treatment plant. Police are negotiating for the employee™s release.

Rise of a petrocarbon empire: Iran and Central Asia

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (L) and his Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov. Photo by AFP. During a recent visit to Iranian expatriates in Turkmenistan, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made several announcements about the Islamic Republic’s energy alliances with Central Asia. One development in particular stood out. In a joint press conference, Ahmadinejad and Turkmen president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow announced […]


Tehran will prosecute five protesters. Foreign Minister Mottaki stressed that Tehran’s relationship with Baghdad is strong and is “based on mutual respect.” Bahrain’s speaker of parliament called for expanded bilateral ties with Iran.

United States

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian national who attempted to blow up a flight to Detroit, was arraigned today. Abdulmutallab is facing six charges including attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, which is punishable by up to life in prison. He will be arraigned in a US district court in Detroit on Friday.


A suicide bomber killed three soldiers in an attack on an Army base in Tararrkhal region in Pakistan-held Kashmir. An Indian policeman was killed and eight more were wounded in a suicide attack and gunbattle in Srinagar in Indian-held Kashmir.


The US killed 17 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters during a dual attack on a training camp in North Waziristan. The Abdullah Azzam Brigade opened an illegal FM radio station in Khyber. Police seized 700 kilograms of explosives in Swabi.


Insurgents killed two children in Mosul and a civilian near Khanaqin. Five Iraqis were killed in a car accident with US troops in Hillah. Iraqi forces detained 28 wanted men in Basrah, three gunmen in Kirkuk, two insurgents in Mosul, and an al Qaeda leader in Jalawlaa.