Monthly Archives: January 2010


Across divide in Iraq, Sunni courts Shiites

Norwegian newspaper reprints Prophet Mohammed cartoons

Unmanned aircraft program grows to support demand


The US killed five Taliban fighters in an airstrike in North Waziristan. A Lashkar-i-Islam suicide bomber killed six members of the rival Ansar-ul-Islam in Khyber. Eight people were killed in a blast at a Taliban safe house in Karachi. The military killed six Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban killed a soldier in Tank.

Al Qaeda

Mali moves music festival as tourism threatened by Al Qaeda threat


One person was killed during an exchange of mortar fire in northern Mogadishu. Fighting between government soldiers in Mogadishu killed one soldier. Shabaab arrested 10 men in Kismayo for shaving their beards.

Taiwanese company admits to shipping Chinese technology to Iran

In an article published in London’s Guardian, Debby Wu reports that a Taiwanese firm has admitted fulfilling an order from a Chinese company to ship nuclear components to Iran. Steven Lin of Heli-Ocean Technology Co. Ltd. said that the company received an order from a Chinese firm in January or February 2008 to obtain an […]


Fourteen members of a terror group called Fath Al Andalous, or Conquest of the Andalusia, have been sentenced to prison terms ranging from four to 15 years for planning attacks in southern Morocco. The group was in advanced stages of preparation for an attack with the use of chemical weapons on tourist sites in Agadir […]


Spain has refused to pay Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb a $7 million ransom for the release of three Spanish aid workers who were abducted from their convoy when traveling to Nouadhibou from Nouakchott. Prime Minister Jose Rodriguez Zapatero made the government™s position “clear and firm.” The kidnapping has compelled Spain to align its […]

United States

Two men were arrested today in connection with the Najibullah Zazi terrorism case. Adis Medunjanin, 25, and Zarein Ahmedzay, 24, were apprehended after months of intense investigations in connection with Zazi’s bomb plot. It is reported that the two men traveled to Pakistan with Zazi.


The Taliban killed eight Afghan soldiers in an IED attack in Uruzgan and three police in a separate attack in Uruzgan on Jan. 7. Afghan and Coalition forces killed and captured an undisclosed number of Taliban and Haqqani Network operatives in Kandahar, Logar, and Paktika. Joint Task Force 435 has been created to command detention […]


Iranian and Iraqi envoys met after a border clash at the disputed Fakka oil well. US Defense Secretary Gates said an attack on Iran would be “very, very destabilizing” to the Middle East. In a meeting with Bahrain’s parliament speaker, President Ahmadinehjad urged unity among Muslim nations.


British troops tried to rescue hostages at Iran border


US hunt for Haqqani network ‘a nightmare for Pakistan™


Pakistan: City police claims of nabbing Taliban commanders for real?

African counterterrorism gets greater focus


Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Swat and detained 23 Lashkar-i-Islam fighters in Khyber. Five Taliban were killed in a premature detonation of an IED in Kurram. The Taliban bombed three schools in Bajaur, Mohmand, and Landi Kotal. Police arrested a Taliban leader in Islamabad.