Monthly Archives: January 2010


Forty-six people were killed in targeted killings in Karachi over the past four days. The Taliban killed two tribal elders in Mohmand and attacked a NATO supply truck in Khuzdar. A politician escaped an assassination attempt in Peshawar.


Action likely in Pakistan’s North Waziristan, say US senators

Iran’s PressTV distorts LWJ reporting on Pakistan strikes

The Long War Journal’s reporting on the covert US air campaign in Pakistan has been widely cited in the media. Here is one cite we’d like to take back. Iran’s PressTV has completely distorted the The Long War Journal’s data on the Paksitan air campaign in this report. Here is what PressTV claims: The Long […]


Petraeus: US has plan to deal with Iran’s nuclear program

Marines confident on Marja

Marines and sailors with Company L, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, patrol the area outside Now Zad, Afghanistan, with members of the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police. Photo by Corporal Zachary Nola. The US Marine Corps is telegraphing its next punch in Helmand province. After encountering success in securing much of southern and […]

Statement from Kunar-based Salafi Group on joining Taliban

Last week, the “Salafi Group,” a Taliban group based in Kunar, conducted an interview with Al Jazeera in which the group declared allegiance to Mullah Omar and the Afghan Taliban, and the group also released a propaganda tape showing the destruction of a US MRAP on a road in the province (the video from Al […]


President Ali Abdullah Saleh said he would open negotiations with al Qaeda operatives who are willing to lay down their weapons. “Dialogue is the best way … even with al Qaeda, if they set aside their weapons and return to reason,” Saleh said.


The Taliban killed a British journalist, a US Marine, and an Afghan soldier in an IED attack in Helmand and three aid workers in an IED attack in Uruzgan. Afghan and US forces killed a Taliban commander and detained an undisclosed number of Taliban and Haqqani Network facilitators and fighters in Kandahar and Khost. The […]


Russia claimed it killed two senior Caucasus Emirate leaders during raids in Dagestan. Marat Kurbanov, the Emir of Dagestan, was killed with two other fighters near the the village of Shamkhal. Madrid Begov, a former police commando, was killed in the capital of Makhachkala.


Ten Islamic fighters have been killed by Algerian security forces after a tip-off led to the authorities intercepting their vehicles in a rural region near the village of Slim. A “large quantity” of weapons was seized from the vehicles. Security officials state that 30 Islamists have been killed over the last month.


Pakistan – ‘Fazlullah will not surrender until Sharia implemented’


The US killed four Taliban fighters in a strike in North Waziristan. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Arakzai and detained 50 more in Kohat and Darra Adam Khel. The Taliban wounded seven policemen in a suicide attack in Peshawar.


The African Union extended the mandate for the Somalia peacekeeping mission by six months. World Food Program workers suspended operations in the South after threats by Shabaab. Somaliland forces thwarted bombings at mosques in Hargeisa.

Abu Sayyaf member arrested in Basilan


US forces reportedly killed four insurgents near Mosul on Jan. 8. Two insurgents were killed in a mortar misfire in Mosul. Security forces detained nine wanted men in Basrah and Amarah.


The Taliban killed a policeman and four civilians in attacks in Kandahar, Kabul, and Kunduz. Two Coalition soldiers were killed on Friday and another was killed today. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Taliban facilitator in Nangarhar.