Monthly Archives: January 2010


The US killed 16 Taliban fighters in two Predator strikes in Helmand province, and killed and captured an undisclosed number of Taliban fighters in Herat and Kandahar. Police killed a suicide bomber in Uruzgan and detained 11 Taliban fighters in Herat. A US general said the Taliban have been defeated in Helmand.

Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah’s senior religious adviser issued a fatwa prohibiting the joining of al Qaeda. “Affiliation with the so-called Al-Qaeda group is haram,” Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al Obeikan said. A Saudi was arrested at Manila airport for posing as a pilot.

United Kingdom

Britain will ban the Islamist groups Al Muhajiroun, Call to Submission, Islam4UK, Islamic Path, and London School of Sharia. “I have … laid an order which will proscribe Al Muhajiroun, Islam4UK, and a number of the other names the organization goes by,” Home Secretary Alan Johnson said. The ban goes into effect on Jan 14.

Al Qaeda

Jordanians question alliance with US after Humam al-Balawi™s CIA suicide bombing

Al Qaeda

Social site helps Gitmo guard reunite with freed inmates


Mass car bomb threats prompt Baghdad lockdown


An Iranian nuclear physicist was killed in a bomb blast in Tehran. The major world powers are to meet in New York City to discuss new sanctions on Iran.

Philippine police probe illegal arms trade in Jolo


Four gunmen on motorcycles murdered two villagers at a tea shop in Narathiwat province. Also in Narathiwat, a policeman on a motorcycle was ambushed and wounded as he returned home from praying at a local mosque.


Eight Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in fighting in South Waziristan. Security forces detained a “key” Taliban operative behind the recent suicide attack in Lakki Marwat, a Taliban commander in Karachi, and 30 fighters in Kohat.


Iraqi security forces detained seven al Qaeda operatives in northern Iraq and a female suicide-bomber recruiter in Baghdad, an “Iranian-linked assassination cell leader” and an associate in Baghdad, a Promised Day Brigade explosives-cell member in Baghdad, and two Special Groups operatives in Al Kut. Iraq has integrated more than 40,000 Sons of Iraq members into […]


Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi accused the Iranian government of “suppressing people in the name of religion.” Tehran dismissed General Petraeus’ remarks that Iranian nuclear sites could be bombed. Tehran announced plans to expand economic growth to 8 percent per year over the next five years.

Al Qaeda

Yemeni officials admit they are losing the battle against al-Qaeda


Mauritania launches media campaign against terrorism, extremism


Abdullah al Faisal, a Jamaican-born radical Muslim cleric, has returned to Kenya after an attempt to deport him to The Gambia failed. An airline refused to allow Faisal to fly as he was reportedly on a terror watch list. Faisal spent four years in prison in Britain for inciting the murder of Hindus and Jews.


Anti-terror forces detained seven suspected al Qaeda fighters near the US Embassy in Sana’a. The government said it knows the location of five kidnapped German tourists. Yemen’s foreign minister said there is no agreement that allows for the US to conduct airstrikes on Yemeni soil.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has released a statement demanding the release of four AQIM fighters held in Mali™s prison system within 20 days, otherwise they will execute French hostage Pierre Camatte. “We give 20 days to fulfill our demands, or the two governments shall be fully responsible for the life of the French […]


The Taliban killed six Coalition troops, including three US soldiers and one French soldier, in attacks throughout the country and four civilians in Faryab province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained an undisclosed number of Taliban and Haqqani network fighters in Nangarhar and Khost. Twenty-three Taliban fighters in Baghlan agreed to stop fighting the government. Afghans […]


Pro-government Islamist militia Ahlu Sunna Waljama™a recaptured the east side of Beledweyne from Hizbul Islam; 18 people were reported killed in the fighting. Three people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and government forces in Mogadishu. A Shabaab spokesman claimed that US companies are plotting to pin bombings in Somalia on the terror group.

Is the importance of terrorist ideology a myth?

Yesterday, Jessica Stern published an op-ed in the Washington Post debunking what she describes as “5 myths about who becomes a terrorist.” Terrorism-myth-debunking pieces tend to be fairly automatic because there is a standard set of myths that researchers have pretty thoroughly disproved: that terrorists are poor and ill educated, that they are mentally ill, […]