Monthly Archives: January 2010

United States

Aafia Siddiqui, the Pakistani neuroscientist detained in Afghanistan, will boycott her upcoming trial. US prosecutors will not attempt to link her to al Qaeda and will only use handwritten notes as evidence that she plotted to conduct attacks in the US.


The government is preparing to release two TNSM clerics. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters and detained nine more in Swat, and killed a Taliban commander and captured nine fighters in Hangu. Police arrested nine Taliban in Kohat. A child was killed in an explosion in Tank.

ACLU files FOIA request on Predator program

This is sure to make many people in Washington uncomfortable: In a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed today, the American Civil Liberties Union asked the government to disclose the legal basis for its use of predator drones to conduct “targeted killings” overseas. In particular, the ACLU seeks to find out when, where and […]


Insurgents bombed a main pipeline in Dagestan, leaving about 200,000 people without gas. Dagestan’s gas transport company said it would start reducing gas supplies. An explosion also ripped through a cargo train in Ingushetia, but it is not yet known whether it was a deliberate attack.

Al Qaeda

Study finds 3,000 Pakistanis were killed in™09 militant attacks


China nearly doubles security budget for western region


Tense relations with Egypt threaten Hamas’s Gaza lifeline


A suicide bomber killed seven Iraqis, including two policemen, in an attack in Saqlawiya in Anabar province. Insurgents killed a civilian in an IED attack in Abu Ghraib. Security forces detained 19 wanted men in Basrah, six suspected members of a car bomb cell in Khanaqin, and four insurgents in Babil.


Security forces killed the leader of an al Qaeda cell operating in Shabwa; four members of the cell were detained. Two soldiers were killed in a separate clash. The government denied that it offered al Qaeda operatives money if its members would leave the country.


Ten Somalis were killed in mortar exchanges between government forces and Islamist fighters. A senior Hizbul Islam leader denied that he defected to Ahlu Sunna Waljama™a. Unidentified gunmen attacked a police station in Las Anod in Somaliland; three policemen were wounded.


The Taliban killed two US soldiers and a British officer, and wounded 9 civilians and eight policemen in Kandahar and Ghazni. ISAF is investigating claims of civilian deaths during a protest in Helmand. Coalition and Afghan forces detained two Taliban facilitators in Logar and Zabul.


A US official released a statement denying involvement in the bombing that killed an Iranian physicist. Ayatollah Rafsanjani said Iran’s political crisis must be resolved. The ‘Iranian Cyber Army™ attacked a Chinese web site.

Is Obama’s TSA nominee soft on terrorism?

The controversy surrounding President Obama’s nomination of Erroll Southers to head TSA has been growing. The latest salvo in the attacks on Southers is that he is soft on terrorism. This charge originated with a post by Erick Erickson at RedState entitled “The Man Who Would Keep Us Safe From Terrorists Would Rather Focus on […]


The Taliban killed one soldier in an attack on a security checkpoint in Mohmand. General Pasha, the chief of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), said Afghan soil was being used for attacks against Pakistan. The former chief of the ISI, Hamid Gul, said the government should end operations and negotiate with the Taliban.

Taliban claim ISAF is sandbagging soldiers’ deaths

A few interesting lines popped up in Taliban statements this week. In this one alleging 5 American casualties in Kandahar, there was this: Later on Monday, one of the brave Mujahids of the Islamic Emirate killed five U.S soldiers in Kandahar’s Shawali Kowt district …. However, a statement has been issued by the U.S militay […]


The pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaa militia drove Shabaab from the village of Wabho; 16 people were reported killed. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaa also battled Hizbul Islam in Beledweyn; 10 people were killed. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaa claimed a top Hizbul Islam leader defected.


Security forces detained 25 suspects behind a plot to conduct major attacks in Baghdad; more than 1,000 pounds of explosives were also seized. Iraq forces also detained two Special Groups leaders in Al Kut and an Awakening leader in Baqubah. Insurgents killed two civilians and two policemen in a bombing south of Khanaqin.

Integrating the Sons of Iraq

Click image to view slideshow of a night patrol through Shorja Market with the al Sadria Sons of Iraq in May 2008. Photos by Bill Ardolino. In a recent post noting continued stabilization of Iraq, I mentioned three versions of a statistic that remains troubling for the country’s future: the slow pace of integrating the […]